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When he was powered on again, MePhone felt numb, and groggy, the strange thing about that being the fact he didn't remember falling asleep the night prior. Really, he didn't remember any of it yet, the memory not quite clicking into place yet as he groaned, sitting up in his & OJ's shared bed.

"Hey, How are you doing today?" OJ spoke, MePhone immediately looking over to him, a bit confused. OJ's tone was soft, and careful, almost like he was trying to make sure of something.

"Uh... I'm fine?" his tone was nothing but confused at the moment, OJ taking a moment to think, before speaking again;

"Do you remember anything about yesterday? Last night?"

"Um..." MePhone's gaze shifted away from OJ as he strained to remember, the thoughts and memory finally clicking into place after a moment. OJ watched his expression drop from confusion, to dread.

"I... I do now..." His tone had dropped as well. He tensed up a bit, before OJ shifted over from his position in the bed, moving to place a hand on his partner's shoulder. MePhone looked over, his expression full of shame.

"I... Don't take this the wrong way, but... I asked Candle to talk to you. I know you're in a bad place right now, and I... I think she could really help you out."

"... oh," His voice was quiet. He really was broken if OJ was concerned enough to get her involved, huh. He felt the shame twist inside him further, his gaze not meeting OJ's.

"I know this is hard, accepting help, but please, give this a try for me?"

"... Only for you." He sighed, trying to drop all the negative feelings on the surface, his expression turning to something more neutral as he looked over at OJ now. "I guess I might as well."

OJ stood there, staring at him for a moment, before carefully pulling him into a hug.

"Things are going to be okay, MePhone, I promise."

He bit back a bitter comment, honestly cursing himself internally for even thinking about retorting like that as he just slowly returned the hug. So today was going to be one of those days, huh.

He slowly trudged through the halls of the third floor of the hotel behind OJ, a bitter feeling rising at the thought of how familiar this felt to his dream. How at any moment OJ could turn around, and the halls would twist, but none of that happened, MePhone getting snapped out of his thoughts as they reached the door to Candle's room. OJ knocked, and not even a moment later, Candle called out;

"You may enter," Her soft, collected voice called out through the door as OJ turned the handle, holding the door open as MePhone stepped in. He really didn't like this. Really, he was a bit intimidated by all her in-tune emotional capabilities, and he wasn't the biggest fan of being read out like an open book, when he was anything but. He didn't like the idea of his problems being aired out for everyone around him to see, but by the time the door shut behind him, and he had been left alone with Candle, he realized it was too late. He stood there awkwardly, his expression still laced with bitterness as he thought about making a run for it, but he knew it wasn't worth it. He didn't want to do this, but what other choices did he have anymore? He was broken, and he wanted so desperately to be fixed, and to be okay, but was this the extreme he wanted to go to? Therapy? MePhone was pulled from his racing thoughts as Candle cleared her throat, patting a spot on the bed she was sitting on. She was in that typical yoga pose, the legs crossed, and her arms idle at her side in the moment. MePhone hesitated.

"No need to be afraid, I'm not here to judge. I am here to listen, and help you through these negative emotions. Nothing that is said or done in this room will be told to anybody else. I can promise you that."

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