I am real, and you are not.

559 15 40

CW, Possible derealization //

The meeple cloud floated through the air at a steady pace, the sun having long sunk below the clouds, the currently full moon being the only light illuminating the building at the moment. Cobs walked through the building, flicking on the lights as he walked through the halls. It had been years since he had walked this path, and he was thankful none of it had been tampered with-- except for his projects relating to the shimmers being confiscated and destroyed. Whatever. He might not have had their power any more, but he still had plans. First, he had to fix his image. He turned, entering a specific locked room, having X place the powered down MePhone 4 into a chair, strapping him down, just in case, and connecting him, and the box he had been tinkering with earlier, to a machine. MePhone wanted to be left alone? To get his so-called 'brother' back? Yeah. fat chance. He had caused enough problems for the old man. He didn't get to go around ruining the life of the object who created him, and not expect to have consequences dealt out. Cobs was still so furious about all of it, the biggest insult of all, having to spend several years locked away, while his shitty, disobedient creation went around doing jack shit, and further sullying his name and image. It was pathetic. He should've just stood by and been grateful that he had been created in the first place, but of course, nothing was good enough for that phone. He shook off his angered thoughts eventually, putting his focus back on the task at hand.

He booted up a computer, and started up a specific program, dismissing X to go turn the rest of the power in the building on. He wasn't planning on destroying MePhone 4, not yet at least. He still wanted his revenge, and he had the perfect way to do it.

He was going to have a bit of fun with this.




He didn't know where he was. He just knew he was tired. Not physically, but mentally. He didn't know where he was, but he didn't... want to be there. Everything felt uncomfortable. Cold. Confusing.

He was only pulled away from all these scrambled thoughts and feelings, by someone shaking him awake.

"H-h'what, wh... ughh," He groaned, sitting up, slowly opening his eyes and blinking away the sleepy blur in his vision.

"What do you want Red?" His voice was groggy, a sign he had just woken up from a really nice sleep.

"C'mon. We have to go host the episode. You've been putting it off long enough."

"Ughhh..." He groaned again, covering his face with his hands, still not sitting up yet.

"I'm tired today though... I have to be in my prime to want to host and I'm just not feeling it..."

"You haven't been feeling it for the past week. The competitors are starting to get restless. Do you even have a challenge idea?"

MePhone scoffed, moving his hands away from his face to glare at his brother;

"Of course I do. What kind of host would be unprepared?"

"Then get up and show them that... Unless you want me to take over hosting duties again." 4S grinned, rubbing his hands together. This got MePhone to sit up;

"No way. Not after last time."

"Then c'mon. Let's go give them that challenge."

MePhone rolled his eyes, finally regaining most of his energy now;

"Fine. yeah."

It was the final four of the season, The remaining competitors being Pepper, Pickle, Trophy, and Silver Spoon. The entire season had been such a wild ride-- or, well... It would have been, MePhone was sure of it, but for some reason he couldn't really... remember anything from it-- but he shook off the thought as 4S led him out of the host cabin to address the competitors. This was going to be the final challenge before the finale, to choose the final three.

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