Date night..?

575 18 70

It had now been officially a month since MePhone had been technically staying at the hotel, and in that time, so much had changed. Of course, most of it was for the better, he finally had a real place, rather than some cold, frankly sad feeling cave, to call his home, and not to mention how much he felt like he had changed as a person. It felt good. He felt happy... And he still had a date to pull off with OJ. He was nervous, very nervous about this, Taco having promised to set everything up, while all MePhone and OJ had to do was show up and look nice together, he couldn't help but be afraid of what could go wrong. That if something did go wrong-- something big, he could ruin everything he'd built up this past month, but he convinced himself he was just over-reacting. Today would be fine. He was sure of it... Or as sure as he could be, as the thoughts continued to linger in the back of his brain as he walked to OJ's office. It was nearing noon, and OJ had gotten up early again and left to do work, MePhone just hoping he wasn't already overworking himself again. He knocked, before slowly opening the door, peeking in. OJ looked up from the paperwork in front of him on his desk, his expression tired, but shifting into a soft smile as MePhone entered.

"Hey," OJ did the best to hide his grogginess from the other, hoping his voice didn't sound too noticeably different.


"Need something? Hate to sway you off but this paperwork is kicking me in the ass."

"Oh, uh, not right now, just checking in, and asking if you want to hang out-- uh, not now, obviously, but later? Tonight? After dinner?"

OJ raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the offer; "Are you asking me on a date?" He looked amused.

"What if I am?" MePhone smiled too, crossing his arms, playing into it.

"Well, I guess I would just have to show up later and see."

"Good to know, see you then." MePhone uncrossed his arms, offering a thumbs up.

"Before then, though, as much as I want to hang out with you more today, I have paperwork to do." He sighed. "Just the life of a hotel manager, I suppose."
"Can't you get someone else to do that for you?"

"Not when it's official documents and permits and stuff... I'll talk to you later, okay? I promise." He smiled, expression still as tired as it had seemed the night prior.

"Yeah. Uh, see you later then," MePhone smiled again, ducking back out of the doorway with an; 'love you, see you tonight!' as he closed the door.


OJ sneezed the second the door closed, unable to stifle it any longer, finally coming to the realization he was getting sick with the changing weather. He put his pen down, groaning into his hands. The timing was just so inconvenient, did he really have to be getting sick now? After everything, the universe just had to throw one more thing at him to ruin an almost perfectly alright week. He really didn't want this to ruin his evening, so he got up, heading to the infirmary. Hopefully some cold medication wouldn't hurt.


Taco grinned, stepping back as she admired her handy work. It was... incredibly inconvenient trying to decorate a flat wall, but she was able to figure something out, using a string light and probably too much tape. Surely the ambience would be perfect, and with it not being far too much effort, she won't feel bad when it's ruined. Now, she just has one more thing to do, make sure she doesn't get blamed when something eventually goes wrong. She just needed to make sure one more object was aware this date was happening. She kept her grin as she stepped back into the hotel lobby, avoiding any eye-contact with those who sat on the couch, heading right to the kitchen. As she hopped onto the counter to idly look through the cabinets-- to look like she was there for a reason, she could hear a scoff coming from the exact object she was hoping would be in here.

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