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The evening breeze was cold, and so was MePhone. His entire system had been cold since yesterday, since the dream he had. It was unpleasant, but at least he wasn't overheating. Honestly, with where the two were at the moment, he was surprised it was chilly. Instead of going back to the hotel, he hid the box somewhere safe-- behind a large rock in the cave, MePhone suggested he and MePad take a trip over to the island he had held the third season of Inanimate Insanity on. Not just because it had cabins the two of them could stay at for a while, but because MePad had never seen it before, not being around for that-- and MePhone desperately needed a big distraction anyways, immediately switching his mood from downer, to his usual, even if the bitterness lingered beneath it all.

The island was just as he remembered it, him being incredibly thankful for that fact-- as the two made it there around sunset, having spent most of their day in the cave, but at least they didn't have to travel there manually, MePhone being able to provide coordinates to teleport to.

The two sat on a bit of grass that ended just past their feet, leading into the sand and the sea in front of them, watching the sunset.

"May I ask what this was all about? If it is still a sore subject, I understand if you don't want to tell me, but..."

"It's fine. It's not- it's not worth getting angry over anymore. It's over now. They were letters from- from him, right?"

MePad nodded

"It was honestly just all a- all a bunch of bullshit. I was- was hoping for closure, honestly, but of course, why- why did I even expect th- that from him." MePhone grumbled, his usual mood dampening a bit as he spoke, pulling his knees up to hold by his waist as he stared out to sea.

"I'm sorry you didn't find what you were looking for with those letters."
"Yeah... Nothing- nothing for you to be sorry about, but I- I appreciate that." MePhone sighed.

"... Sorry for- for dragging you into running off with me again. Y- you shouldn't have to put up with m- my shit." he frowned, his gaze falling to the sand, rather than the horizon, once again feeling guilty. That had become common by this point, the feeling far from anything new. He hated that it had become this way, but he couldn't do anything about it now.

"Once again, you aren't dragging me into anything. I came along willingly. Mind my language, but I still don't see any of this as just 'putting up with your shit'. Do you remember what we talked about a while ago? When I was with you in that infirmary? I care about you. No matter what happens. I'm here for you, because I care."

MePhone couldn't respond. He didn't cry this time, but he felt like he wanted to. He had to stifle an; 'I'm sorry', rather responding with a;

"Thanks... Again." He sighed, leaning back a bit to look at the stars as the sun had sunk below the horizon. It was much colder now, MePhone noticed this, as he realized he was shivering. Completely forgetting about his messed up systems, he'd attempt to generate a blanket for himself, both him and MePad sitting there as it glitched out of existence in his hands.

"Should we head into one of the cabins now? You seem to be cold."

MePhone stifled a sarcastic remark.

"... Yeah." He stood, grabbing his cane that he had set beside him, and leading MePad to the cabin area.

At least here, if he got hungry, he'd have the pix-nix table for that. Stepping onto the porch of one of the cabins, he stayed out for just a bit, staring at the surroundings, only illuminated by the moonlight. It was peaceful.

He certainly wouldn't mind spending a day or so here with MePad, he thought to himself as he flopped down onto one of the cabin beds. He certainly needed the time to himself, anyways. He couldn't go back to OJ until he knew he was ready, or until he could actually be happy with himself.

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