Terrible day.

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"Well, what?" MePhone felt uneasy, walking behind him.

"Are you still pretending? Like this is working out for you?" OJ stopped walking, finally turning to face him, that same sickly sweet smile on his face.

"This is working for me, because I know it's real, and this-- this is... um..." MePhone shuffled nervously.

"This is what, another simulation? A dream? Or, more of a nightmare maybe?" OJ leaned in. MePhone felt sick thinking this was him, so he decided not to anymore. He didn't want to let his brain ruin the only good thing for him. This was one of the things he hated about having a mechanical mind, his processor always making his dreams-- and by extension, nightmares all feel so real. He hated this. He didn't know why his brain was trying to make things so bad for him. He was doing everything right, and yet he's still tormented. He had even had such a wonderful day yesterday, being genuinely happy, and free, like he had been before... HE had come back. It was a nice break, and distraction from it all, but maybe it was the fact that he knew it would all be over, and back to that sad normal once he woke up. That despite one day of distraction, he was still broken.

"Are you just going to sit there thinking the whole time, or are you actually going to listen to me?" The glass kept his smile, his eyebrows furrowing a bit in annoyance;

"Wh-- why should I even listen to you? You're just trying to make me feel bad." MePhone scoffed. He wanted to wake up. He hated talking to this thing. This was clearly not his boyfriend, and not the hotel hallway he was so familiar with. It was all so twisted. So wrong.

"And? You know I'm right. You know, even in that simulation, that deep down, you're unlovable. No matter how much you love him, or feel like he loves you, how much of it is actually real?"

MePhone shook his head. He wasn't going to let his brain convince himself that this was true. Surely it wasn't... Right?

OJ has said multiple times how he loved him. That was enough, wasn't it? Well, it should be enough. Even the date yesterday! Why would he have done it if he hadn't loved him? Spending the entire day out with him?

And his brain shifted to the thought of pity.

He didn't want to think about this anymore.

"You're still just trying to make me feel bad. I'm not listening."

"You're still hearing what I'm saying though, that's not very different now, is it?"

"Just... shut up already." MePhone fiddled with his hands, still immensely unnerved at all this.

"Fine, It's time for you to wake up anyways."

MePhone shot a glare to the cup, before jolting awake with a gasp. He didn't sit up or anything, still just lying flat against the bed as he had flinched awake, almost like that feeling where you think you're falling, but not quite.

"Wh... Ughh..." MePhone groaned, the images of his nightmare ingrained into his systems. Another thing he hated about his mechanical mind. He put his hands over his face for a few moments, desperately trying to collect his thoughts as he felt a headache coming on, though not from thinking, more from having drank the night prior. He groaned again, before moving his hands away, and glancing over to see if his boyfriend was in the room-- which, almost unfortunately, he was not. This was when MePhone checked the time, realizing it was nearing the afternoon. Great. An entire morning wasted. Despite having one of the best days in recent memory yesterday, he knew today was not going to be fun. He wondered if he should just stay in the room all day, so he didn't risk getting emotional around anyone, but he knew if he stayed in all day, OJ would worry, and he would be alone with his thoughts all day. Neither of those things sounded very good to him. So begrudgingly, he sat up. He already felt like flopping back down, most of the energy leaving him at that moment, leaving him with the urge to honestly, just try to go back to sleep. Maybe at least if he slept off the day, he wouldn't have to deal with anything, though... that was also a bad idea. He could end up having another nightmare, and that would make things even worse. That was the last thing he needed. So he got up completely, ignoring the headache, as he trudged out of the room. At least if anyone asked why his mood was so sour, he could pass it off as having drank last night. Right now though, he wanted to check up on TestTube and her progress with rebuilding his brother. He hoped she'd have some good news for him, maybe then he could cheer up, and start having a good day.

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