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Day 10.

The static was loud today. He could make out faint noises, but couldn't make sense of any of them. His screen hurt. His limbs hurt, too.

Day 11.

"He still won't turn back on, Gods, what am I going to do?"

"Just give it some time. It took a while for me to get the rain water out of his system. Just be glad you found him when you did."


"Can we get in contact with ...?"

"Last I checked, he was off somewhere with ..., I don't know if anyone here can contact them, other than MePhone..."

"I'll ask around."

Day 12.

It was completely silent, other than the static. It was much quieter today.

Day 13.

OJ paced. That's all he could do, his mind riddled with indescribable worry, and fear. It took OJ about ten minutes to find MePhone in the rain, just behind the hotel. It almost paralleled when he found him almost two weeks ago, though this time he didn't even turn on. Not even the meeple start-up sound played. He wasted no time, getting TestTube to come back to the infirmary as quickly as she could to help. He was terrified. Losing any of the hotel residents-- or any of his friends on a permanent scale, just the possibility of that made his heart ache. He couldn't lose MePhone. Not like this. What a cruel world this was to be taunting him like this. He just wanted him to be okay.

After the first day of him not powering on, TestTube took him back to her lab, making sure to be careful with him. OJ would visit every few hours, just to check in, but there was nothing new.

OJ's stomach twisted with guilt. If he had just stayed with MePhone while he rested, maybe none of this would have happened. If he had just been in the lobby two weeks ago when he was visiting and just fine, he would still be okay. He couldn't help but blame himself. He was the one who implemented the rule to not come in unless invited with MePhone in the first place.

He couldn't focus on his hotel work with all of this going on, Paper opting to take over for him, OJ not even having to ask. They were still trying to find out how to get in contact with MePad, who would hopefully be able to help keep an eye on MePhone-- if he were to wake up. No, not if. He can't think like that, when. When he wakes up. He's going to wake up.


Out of anyone in the hotel, MePad was least expecting having been contacted by Lightbulb of all objects. It started as a simple text, just a 'hey', checking in on how things had been going with MePad and Toilet on their travels. After inanimate insanity ended, and things were made right, the two set off to separate themselves from the show, and live their lives a little, separate from the show. It was easy for Toilet, who existed before the show, but co-hosting with MePhone was his first real experience after booting up for the first time. But enough of that, the focus was on the texts he was getting.

'sooo, you guys should probably come back to the hotel sometime.'

'we would love to visit again, I'm sure MePhone would be glad to see us. That's a great idea.' he texted back.

'actually more urgently you should come back soon, phone guy hurt himself'

MePad scanned over the text a few times, a bit perplexed at how casual her wording seemed. But he replied not too long after; 'we will be there soon.'

And with the powers of teleportation, though still just a little wonky after being tampered with during season two, it didn't take the two long to make it to the hotel, Toilet immediately rushing in to say hi to everyone. He just had to hope it wasn't that bad, considering the casual tone of the text, but he couldn't help but worry about his brother.

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