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Day 8.

MePhone jolted awake, immediately gasping for air as he gripped the blanket that covered his legs like if he let go, it'd be torn away from him like everything else. He shut his eye tight, trying to fight back the tears as he failed to regulate his breathing. Shit. This was an awful way to wake up. This is what he gets for putting off thinking about it, this is what he dese-- no. Don't think like that. He's safe. He's fine. He's... He's somewhere?

MePhone opens his eyes, trying to process his surroundings. He's in the hotel infirmary. He's safe. He's okay. As the tears rolled down his screen, he sat there, finally getting his breathing under control after a few minutes.

He's safe.

He's okay.

MePhone kept repeating that in his head, desperate to believe it as he moved one of his hands to hold over the crack on his face, finally loosening the grip on the blanket.

It was at this time, when OJ showed once more that he had the world's worst timing, as he came in, a tray of food in hand, and though he kept the tray steady in his hold, the second he saw MePhone, his expression dropped to something of concern. The two of them stared at each other in an almost shocked state for a moment. This couldn't be going any worse, MePhone thought to himself. OJ surely hated him now, or worse, thought he was pathetic. He didn't need that, he--

OJ rushed over to MePhone's side, putting the tray carefully onto the table, before asking something that MePhone couldn't quite process in the moment. He shut his eye tight, the palm against his screen pressing a bit harder onto it as he tried to get out anything, but his voice fell short, the only thing he was able to get out was a small gasp. Today was not a talking day. Things really did just keep getting worse. He could hear OJ talking to him as he tried so desperately to keep his emotions in check. He didn't need OJ to hate him even more, he had to listen, he had to focus--

"I'm going to get TestTube, I'll be right back, okay?" OJ stepped away, completely unsure of what to do at this point. It was like none of what he was trying to say was being heard. As he stepped to the door, he was stopped;

"No-- don't, please," MePhone choked out, unable to speak much beyond that. OJ immediately turned back to face the phone, still unsure, but if this is what he wanted, he'd just have to tell TestTube about this later. Right now, he obviously needed help.

"Can you hear me now?" OJ kept his voice gentle and soft, trying very hard not to further upset MePhone. All he could do is nod in return, keeping his face covered by his hands.

"Okay, well... Can you handle touch right now?"

MePhone sat still for a moment, before nodding again. OJ stepped back over, putting a hand on MePhone's shoulder in an attempt at comfort, slowly going in to hug the phone. MePhone didn't reciprocate the hug, still keeping his hands to his face, but he leaned into the touch, though unintentionally, he made no move to get away. He still felt pathetic, really, but he couldn't do anything about that right now. Right now, as OJ slid his hand up and down MePhone's back to soothe his crying, MePhone could feel himself growing tired again. He knew his brain would have a field day thinking about the implications of all that later, but now he just wanted to go back to sleep. He's safe here, in OJ's arms.


OJ watched MePhone's screen dim a bit, before eventually flickering off to signify he was sleeping again, his hands sliding down away from his screen to rest in his lap, leaving OJ... stuck in this position. He let out a soft sigh, not making any effort to move, or get away, despite how awkward all of this should feel for him-- which, it was definitely awkward, but it wasn't the worst. He wouldn't mind sitting here for a while.

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