Making up for lost time

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First thing he was informed of, was that Meeple was no longer a threat, and that Cobs was in jail... for the second time.

"Again? How did he get arrested twice?"

"Ah, well, about a month and a half ago, he was released from jail after the first incident, which I can explain in detail later, but he pulled something else, trying to uh--" She paused, trying to think of a delicate way to word it; "He was trying to... Terminate MePhone4 again, and from what I was told-- I wasn't actually involved in the rescue mission, he pulled something bad enough to land him in prison a second time, for an even harsher sentence."

4S shuffled in his seat, trying to contain the rage he felt at hearing this.

"Ah, but MePhone is doing much better now, he's been recovering mentally, and is really making strides in his recovery, which is great, that's how he recovered your blueprints in the first place, you'll have to talk about that with him, I don't know all the details, but moving on!" Spe paused, gauging his reaction, which on the outside, seemed neutral. So she continued.

"First things first, OJ won the first season, I'm unsure if you remember that, but with the prize money, he built a hotel, where all the season one contestants stayed. MePhone left for a while as soon as season one ended, I've got no idea what he was up to in that time, but if you really need to know, I'm sure you could ask him. That leads us to season two! That's where I, and some others, come into the picture!" She pointed to some of the pictures on the whiteboard, all of them being what 4S had to assume was contestants from season two. He was filled in on all the major social changes, shifts in relationships between some people, and the fact that after episode thirteen, MePhone finally regained his memory.

"And uh, it's a bit confusing, but right before the finale, MePhone ran off to some random island, introducing some new objects, and bringing in some old, to compete in season three! It was truly an interesting experience, as someone who competed in both seasons." She smiled, continuing to explain how season three played out, and then re-iterated the point of some big conflict with Cobs, and... aliens? It was hard to keep up with all of this. He felt like his head was spinning. But he made no outward signs of being confused, just still sitting on one of the stools in the room, listening intently.

It was certainly a lot of information to take in. The last thing he was told about was MePad, and Toilet, two co-hosts from season two, one of them being... another Meeple product. Once 4S gave it some thought, he did recall Cobs complaining about stolen property-- though he had only figured it was the prize money he ended up using as the prize for season one. He was certainly curious about them now, honestly glad someone else was able to make it out of there before things got... bad.

"So you're saying I'll have to ask someone else for details about that more... recent event?" Red crossed his arms, his expression not exactly seeming pleased-- though when did it ever, really? It was rare to get a smile out of him, after the ways he had been conditioned. He still hadn't even really been able to let his guard down.

"Ah, um, yes, sorry I can't provide more details about that, you could always ask MePhone, Knife, OJ, or Taco. Those were the ones involved. Though, MePad was too, they're off traveling with Toilet." TestTube explained, letting out a huff as she was finally done explaining the big details and such about what goes around on the island. She stepped away from her whiteboard, taking a seat in one of the stools in the room, facing 4S.

"So if he's in jail, Cobs doesn't know I'm... alive again?" He raised an eyebrow, genuinely curious.

"Nope! Not at all. Even when he gets released, you're not technically a Meeple product anymore, I've made sure of that with some extra touches in your systems and programming, that you'll never have to worry about him now." TestTube smiled.

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