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Day 16.

Fan brought in dinner today.

"Heyyy," The door creaked open, MePhone sitting up from having been laying down for most of the day to see who it was.

"Huh? Why are you here?" MePhone didn't mean to sound so aggressive, watching as Fan walked over, carrying the tray of food, trying very hard not to drop it as he carefully put it on the table next to the bed

"Oh, I was uh, suggested to bring you dinner tonight, since it didn't seem like you were going to leave your room today,"

"It's evening already?" MePhone raised an eyebrow. He really wished this room had a window or something.


"So uh, wh- why you then?"

"Oh, uh-- I mean no one else really wanted to, so I volunteered!" And Fan realized a bit too late how he made that sound

"Ah- not that nobody wants to see you or anything, just um, after you came in the other day avoiding everyone, well..."

"Right." MePhone sighed.

"Anyways, how are you? Doing any better?"

"I'm doing... Fine."

DAY 17.

OJ threw himself back into the hotel manager duty role at full force. Sure, he was avoiding a very important problem, but he was advised to give him time, and with how their last conversation went, MePhone surely didn't want to talk to him anymore anyways. It wasn't like the very thought of that made OJ's heart ache, but he went on with his work. Paper would insist for him to take it slow, or take a break, but there simply isn't time for that. Even though Paper and Soap had been taking care of the hotel while he was too busy being worried about MePhone, there was still so much that didn't get done. So obviously, the smart thing to do was keep working.


While this was going on, Paper was plotting. This was because of what happened between OJ, and MePhone, meaning the sooner they actually talked, or got rid of that awkward air between each other, the better. Paper had a plan. Sure, it was a bit risky, but neither of them were making a move to talk to each other, so he was sure giving them a little push wouldn't hurt. He would need some help though.

"You want me to do what?" Fan raised an eyebrow, having been pulled to the side before entering his room for the evening.

"Just keep it quiet but I need you to get MePhone on the top floor sometime tomorrow."

"Do you know how sketchy this sounds? What are you plotting?"

"OJ's overworking himself again to avoid talking to him, and I need to get them to talk, so I've come up with the perfect plan of locking them in a room until they make up." Paper smiled, explaining the plan as if it didn't sound incredibly risky, and kind of stupid.

"I don't think forcing an interaction is going to work out as good as you think it is... Trust me, it never works in the fanfictions I read." Fan crossed his arms.

"Listen, they're never going to talk if we don't give them a push. I told OJ to give it some time, and that completely backfired because he isn't even taking breaks! For the past two nights I've found him asleep in his office, Fan. This needs to happen."

"If he took your advice the first time, with suggesting to give him space, couldn't you just tell him it's been enough time, and that he should go talk to h--"

"I've tried! I've tried everything I could think of, and none of it's been working. It's frustrating. He's frustrating. He does this all the time, and doesn't realize how bad this is for his health. Honestly, I'd lock him in a closet anyways if this wasn't happening, just to make him take a break!" Paper waved his hands above his head, exasperated.

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