I'll always be here for you Y/N, Always

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What the fuck was he doing here?

He started to place everyone's drink down but as he was going to put my water on the table he spilt it over me.

?: oops sorry, my hand slipped!
Y/N: Ian what the fuck is wrong with you!?

He smirked as I got up and went to the bathroom. I grabbed some paper towels and started to dab the water off my clothing. I hated being wet.

I got as much as I could off, so I went back to the table only to see everyone leaving.
I rush over to Bukayo.

Y/N: what's happening, where are you going?
Bukayo: ill tell you later. Y/N, r u ok?
Y/N: I'm fine..?


Y/N got up to go to the toilet. I glare up at Ian.

Bukayo: what the fucks ur problem with my sister?
Ian: Hm? I don't know what you're talking about.

Jadon: you know exactly what we're talking about!
Ian: Really? I don't recall.

I slam my fist on the table.
Jude: stop acting fucking clueless!
I shout, realising the whole restaurant stopped and stared at me. Someone, I'm assuming the manager, came over.

Manager: I do not tolerate on how you are speaking to my staff. Leave. Now!

I quietly slam my fist on the table, rolling my eyes. What the fuck! I wanted to punch this guy so hard.

As we all start to leave Y/N comes out.
Y/N: what's happening, where are you going?
Bukayo: ill tell you later. Y/N, r u ok?
Y/N: I'm fine..?


As we walk out of the beefeater, Jude squeezes my hand. I look up at him and smile.

Jude: I'll always be here for you Y/N. Always.

I try not to blush, this was an awkward time.
Y/N: Thank you.
He smiles at me and I smile back.
Jude: if he does anything to you, let me know.


I'm at my house, mum, dad, Bukayo and Karisa are off somewhere, i have no clue where though, I think it's like chessington or something, but I can't go since I got banned.

I only know that they're coming back in a week. I woke up with a thud at my window.
Fuck sake. Who could this be? I open my eyes slowly, wiping them. I slowly get up from my bed and see someone chucking eggs at my window. WHAT. THE. FUCK. This man is OBSESSED. I put on a sweater and some sweatpants and go downstairs, opening the front door.

WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!? I exclaim as i smack him round the face. I start to turn to go back into the house but he grabs my wrist.

Ian: Hm? What did I do?
He acts confused, but smirks as he says so.

I roll my eyes. "Lay a finger on me again and you wont have fingers" i spat at him.

His grip becomes tighter and he starts to turn my face towards his, his lips moving closer to mine.

I twist his arm all the way around, loosening his grip on mine. I wiggle out of his hold and I curled my hand into a fist and aimed at the front of his nose.  My fist hit the bridge of his nose . His blood splattered all over the ground of my house.

"Imagine getting beaten by a girl"

"You bitch.." Ian mumbled. He starts to charge towards me, like a rhino.

I snapped and swung at him, a wild roundhouse punch that glanced harmlessly off the man's shoulder. "Fucking sucker punch, huh?" said Ian, and drove his fist deep into my gut, he kept punching me in that spot over and over.

He pulled his arm back to swing a knife he grabbed out of his pocket.

Is this man insane?? First he cheats on me and now he wants to fucking kill me.

As the blade swept toward me, I stepped in close to his body, so when I turned, my right shoulder brushed his chest. Using the edges of my opened hands, I struck his upper and lower arm. The combined force of my strike and his swing made Ian's arm go immediately limp. The weapon clattered to the floor.

Grabbing his arm, I twisted it until the heel of his hand pointed toward the sky. Then I pivoted, placing my right shoulder under his elbow. I yanked his hand down. With a loud crack his arm broke.

"You're dead," he screamed.

Spinning around to face him, I punched him twice in the nose. Blood gushed. While he was off balance, I kicked his kneecap. Ian crumpled to the ground.

I danced around him, kicking him in the legs. "Funny, I don't feel dead."

When Ian was still, I knelt beside him and felt for a pulse. A strong throb met my fingertips.

Ian clutched my elbow. "You--"
I cut him off. "Touch me again and you'll regret it. You're playing with fire."

I picked up the knife and ran inside the house, locking the doors. What the hell did I just do!?
Do I call the police?? No, I'd get in trouble and I might lose my job. Fuck.

I grab my phone panicking, and I call the person at the top of my contacts. It was Jude. I press the 'Call' button and he picks up straight away.

"J-Jude" my voice started to crack. "I need your help, can you come round please?" I say quietly.

"Y/N! What's the matter? What's happened?"
I sob quietly down the phone.

"Y/N? ANSWER ME! I'm coming!"
And the call ended.

Time skip- 10 minutes later.
Thankfully, Ian wasn't outside anymore. When Jude arrived I broke down into tears. He held me in his arms while I told him what happened.

"It's ok, im here, let's get you some ice for that hand."
He carried me to the kitchen and he puts ice in a bag and gives it to me, kissing my head softly. We lie down in the lounge and put on Modern Family, falling asleep in each others arms.

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