Chapter 7: Topsy-Turvy

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"Deek!" I throw my arms around my familiar little friend and size him into a dizzying spin of an embrace

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"Deek!" I throw my arms around my familiar little friend and size him into a dizzying spin of an embrace.

"Deek is very glad to see his friend," he offers as he clumsily stumbles to a balanced stand.

"I hope you haven't been waiting here for me too long," I say. "Thank you."

"It is no trouble for Deek to help Professor Weasley and Miss April. Deek is glad to be able to enjoy the fresh air!"

"Tell me, Deek, how is everyone?"

Deek's face lights up. He knows who I'm referring to. As a student, Professor Weasley offered me refuge in the Room of Requirement which, over the years, grew itself magnificently to suit my needs, including a greenhouse, a fully functional personal apartment, and seven vivariums for the beasts I'd save and collect, but an unfortunate catch about the Room of Requirement, that was not made clear to me until it was much too late, is that it only appears for Hogwarts students, faculty, or staff.

My plan had been to gradually move my rescues to a sanctuary outside of the school after graduation. But, since I was technically no longer a student immediately upon completing the graduation ceremony, the room had been inaccessible to me ever since. Indeed, I learned after an exhausting day of wandering the halls in eager anticipation of the room's appearance, that volunteering as Professor Howin's occasional "assistant" in the beast's stables decidedly does not qualify one as "staff."

I have relied upon Deek's excellent care for them in my absence, hoping against hope some day I'll be able to return.

"Oh they're thriving! Jukes is still pestering the hippogriffs, but he and Daphne have multiplied their niffler family seven-fold!"

I laugh. Jukes is the snarkiest niffler I'd ever met. I couldn't help but keep him close.

"And Fawkes?" I ask after the most beautiful phoenix in the world. I didn't name him so much as the realization of his name came to me in a dream, like an echo across a mountain top.

"I can't quite explain it, Miss April, but sometimes Fawkes makes Deek feel like everything will be all right, no matter what."

I smile. "You deserve to feel that way, Deek."

Deek shakes his head "Miss April is too kind. Deek thinks you musn't say such things! Deek will fetch Professor Weasley, now. Wait here!"

Abruptly, Deek snaps his fingers and is gone in a flash.

I take in a deep breath to the bottom of my lungs as I look up at the castle before me like a tremendous, ancient beacon, shooting its brilliance from its turrets and pinnacles like the rays that burst from the sun – just as magnificent and almost more glorious. It is a keeper of secrets and predictor of futures. My making and my undoing.

Woosh woosh!

Almost as soon as he was gone, two swirls of Deek and Professor Weasley apparate directly in front of me.

"April, dear!" the elegant Deputy Headmistress draws me to her with a shallow, but earnest hug.

"I see you received my owl. Thank you for coming on such short notice. Shall we walk?"

"That sounds fine to me, Professor."

We turn to walk the elegant pathways of Hogwarts' North grounds. Professor Weasley's urgency shows itself in her brisk pace. I note Professor Howin in the distance, milling about the Beasts Classroom, no doubt preparing for the new students that would be arriving in a week or two -- I wasn't exactly sure when the term would begin, but it's usually around this time of year.

I feel the energy of the quidditch pitch, behind us, whizzing with a handful of individuals - no doubt some combination of Hogwarts' quidditch coach, eager upperclassman who've arrived early to the grounds for extra practice, and locals taking advantage of the empty pitch before the beginning of the new school year.

"I hope you don't mind, dear, but I feel it best to set aside any chit-chat and cut straight to the point. Time is of the essence."

"Not at all." I wonder what could be so urgent?

"Within just the last few days things have gone quite topsy-turvy around here. As you may be aware, there has been an uptick of poaching activity throughout northern Scandinavia and western Siberia?"

I nod. "Yes, and the activity has been practically untraceable." What does this have to do with Hogwarts?

"Well, I'm sure you'll be briefed at the Ministry tomorrow, but due to a great stroke of luck and an accident involving a large dose of veritaserum, a confession was obtained that links much of the illicit activity to a number of faculty at Drumstrang. The Ministry is hesitant to act without further evidence, so they have strongly advised Headmaster Helvig to keep a closer eye and shorter leash on his faculty at large. To be honest, we don't know that he isn't involved with this, himself."

As I listen, my mind races through the possibilities of how this could possibly relate to me and the owl I received. Perhaps she merely wishes to help me get a mental step ahead of it? Perhaps the Ministry plans to relocate me to Finland or Russia.

"Since Headmaster Helvig's attention will be faculty-bound, Minister Spavin has assigned Professor Black a new position, Dean of Students, at Durmstrang. He is to be an ally to the Ministry, report on Headmaster Helvig's goings-on, and keep tabs on any illegal student activity. Needless to say, he is pleased as punch and I'm sure he'll feel right at home, given their emphasis on 'pure' magical bloodlines."

This is a lot to take in. All I can muster is a bewildered "Oh!" in response.

"I have been offered the position of Headmaster of Hogwarts and I am stepping into that role immediately."

"Finally!" I exclaim. "Oh! Professor Weasley!" I can't help myself from hop-skipping as I celebrate, "you've always been so much more suited to run this school. The way you care about the students, the legacy, the–"

"Now, now, Miss Collins."

I am cut off.

"Let's not be ridiculous," Professor Weasley's face betrays her words. I note a coy smile settle into the corners of her mouth and eyes. I'm certain she feels, as she would say, properly chuffed.

"There's more," she says, looking at me intently. I'm not sure when but we have stopped walking.

My heart skips a beat. "Go on."

"Professor Black's transfer has set off quite a ripple effect that requires immediate attention. Of course, I will no longer be able to teach my block. I'd like you to take my place as Head of Transfiguration and Magical Theory."

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