Chapter 8: The Ripple Effect

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My mouth hangs open for a moment as I consider how Professor Weasley took on Professor Fig's workload without a second thought after he died, and the daunting task it will be to fill both of their shoes

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My mouth hangs open for a moment as I consider how Professor Weasley took on Professor Fig's workload without a second thought after he died, and the daunting task it will be to fill both of their shoes. A clumsy response stammers from my mouth.


Professor Weasley smiles and steps towards me with a look in her eye that has always struck me as other-worldly. She's wearing her proverbial "mentor" hat now, and her advice in that department has, honestly, never been wrong.

"Miss Collins, your ability to communicate with, understand, and handle beasts is unlike anything I've ever seen. But a natural affinity does not a destiny make. You've always been meant for more." She takes my hand and squeezes it. "It is time."

It is time. My heart lurches as my stomach wrenches. I instinctively know what she means.

I have a rare gift for ancient magic that I have, quite frankly, been ignoring. Sure, I learned how to wield it and I do use it to an extent when I need to. I learned about Isadora Morganach's unsavory history with it. The Keepers taught me what they knew of it. I vowed to tend to the ancient magic repository buried deep beneath Hogwarts. But...I haven't. Ever since the chaos of Ranrok's final stand, the realization of just how powerful ancient magic can be, the knowing in my gut of how much I enjoyed that power, and the heart wrenching death of Professor Fig, I have hardly been able to face it all.

But Professor Weasley is right in her implication. In her own polite and wise way she is telling me to get off my lazy ass and finally do something with my gift. And she's not wrong. I have buried myself into what's comfortable, familiar and...easy. Beasts are straightforward, most of them driven by mere instinct and innocence. Their needs are simple: food, shelter, mental stimulation, socialization, and care.

Ancient magic is anything but simple. Honing the complexity of transfiguration and filling in the gaps of my knowledge to rise to the challenge of teaching magical theory is, honestly, a pretty perfect way to tackle it all.

Professor Weasley shakes me from my thoughts as she continues.

"Additionally, Professor Black has asked Professor Howin to remain on call should he need her assistance with any of the business to do with the poachers. He will be an effective spy, but a miserable beast-handler should the need arise. Your role as Assistant Beast Keeper will be made official.

I have taken the liberty of speaking to your supervisor at the Ministry. Mister Wickett has agreed to your resignation on the condition you not give up your responsibilities as Liaison and Keeper of Centaur Relations, given the special nature of that assignment. This is a compromise I have agreed to."

"Wait - what? You resigned on my behalf?"

"I realize it is sudden, but I knew the decision you'd make. I hope you'll forgive me, in light of the urgency. You'll have the week to tie up any loose ends. The new school year begins one week from tonight."

I feel bewildered.

She goes on. "You will find it easiest to relocate and live on Hogwarts' grounds. You may take my quarters in the faculty tower, as I'll be moving into the Headmaster's suite, or you may wish to utilize your Room of Requirement for your living needs, as that will once again be accessible to you. It warms my heart to know the joy it will bring you."

She smiles, warmly. I don't know what to say as I rewind the conversation in my mind.

"What ripples, Professor? You said Black leaving has caused ripples?"

"Ah, yes! Let me review." She quickly recaps, "naturally, my responsibilities will need to be replaced, as mentioned...Professor Howin on call...Oh yes!"

She begins to speak even faster now. Her own excitement is apparent as she considers what the future holds, and I can't help but feel glad for her being clearly in her element. Almost interrupting her own thoughts, she continues.

"It seems this change has spurred a few others to reconsider their futures. Professor Ronan will be my Deputy Headmaster–Professor Hecat has finally made the decision to retire, bless her--between you and me, she said she only needed to stay at Hogwarts so long as Professor Black needed to be kept in line–Professor Sharp has made an excellent recommendation for her replacement–oh!--Madame Kogawa has accepted a position on the coaching team for the Toyohashi Tengu."

"How wonderful! She can finally live her dream!" My heart grows at the thought. I always admired her integrity.

"Yes! Quite proud, quite proud. You'll be very pleased to know who her replacement is–"

Almost eerily on cue, Professor Weasley is interrupted by a sharp, scottish brogue calling from above.

"Is that you, Gryffindor?"

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