Chapter 84: Owls for Days

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A torn half of parchment found in the early morning on the nightstand of April Collins, upon which rests a precisely folded paper crane:

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A torn half of parchment found in the early morning on the nightstand of April Collins, upon which rests a precisely folded paper crane:

Good morning, April my love.

I had thought to wake up early so I could walk the grounds and pick you some fresh flowers, but between the way they practically grow at your feet as you walk and the foliage that fills every possible shelf and empty corner of this space (to a shocking extent, April. Truly, it makes me wonder if you were sorted into the wrong house. Also - any chance we could talk to Garlick about taking the ones that hang into the shower? Nearly punched through the glass when a stray vine tried to help me wash my hair this morning. Thought it was a spider.)

Anyway, to the point – in lieu of flowers I folded a paper crane for you. Japanese legend says anyone who folds a thousand will be granted a wish and good fortune. I already have my wish, but a little extra good fortune never hurts. 

I also thought I'd take your suggestion to write again. Please don't laugh. It's been a long while since I've had a go at poetry. Here goes.

My love has wings on which to fly.
But no plumes of spotted stripes take flight.
Though talon'd, beak'd, with beady eye,
What lifts my love into the sky?
Unbroken love, supernal light.

Have a wonderful day, darling. Please know that I plan to do many unspeakable things to you when I see you next (whenever that may be).


P.S. I love you with my soul.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Morning Delivery from the Office of Coach Imelda Reyes:

Gaunt –

Puddlemere United have asked me to step in as Team Captain until Eddie Tigg is out of St. Mungo's, the bloody arse. If they know what's good for them, they'll keep me on even after the knobhead's bones are back.

It's been lucky you've been around. Headmistress Weasley agrees you'd be well-suited to teach flying classes and coach the quidditch teams while I take on more leadership of PU. The only stipulation is that she said I can't be your boss which is an utter disappointment. We will have to co-manage the department, classes, and teams which I will agree to, reluctantly, if you do.

I hate to admit there's no one better than you to take it who isn't already on a professional team. (Friendly kick-in-the-arse reminder that it's not too late for you on that front.) So the position is yours if you want it, and if you're open to gear maintenance my guess is a full-time position would be justified.

Let me or the Headmistress know at your earliest convenience.

You'd be a daft fool not to take it.


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