Chapter 40: Distractions on the Path*

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Walking back towards the castle, I find a satisfied smile register on my lips as April slips her hand naturally into mine

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Walking back towards the castle, I find a satisfied smile register on my lips as April slips her hand naturally into mine. I can't remember the last time I felt so light. And it's been weeks since the last time my mind felt so quiet. We turn around a bend and I can feel April tense up and stop in her tracks.

"What do you—"


She drops my hand and grabs her wand in a deeply ingrained motion as natural to her as breathing. Her entire body and demeanor tune into the signals of the forest. I take out my wand, too, but foolishly have absolutely no idea what it is she's picking up on.

A single clicking sound registers behind us in my ear, and–


–before I can begin to consider what to do next, April is practically done handling it with a confident voice and well-practiced gestures of her wand.

"BomBARDA,  you sick fuck!"

With a boom and a blood-curdling screech, much to my horror, a large spider the size of a small bear has flown towards us, exploded on the ground, and is now burning in a pile of legs and chunks on the path.

April casually waves her wand in front of its awful face and a fang dislodges and neatly tucks itself into her pocket. She says with a shrug, "Sharp would kill me if I didn't."

And suddenly her hand is in mine again and we've just begun walking? Again? I guess? The hell?

Before she stows her wand back in her jacket she looks over her shoulder and calls, "incendio!" A jetstream of fire shoots back at the spider in our wake, igniting it again with fresh flames.

"Bloody fucking hell," is all I can muster. I haven't seen one of those monsters in ages.

"I don't fucks around with those" she says unapologetically. Her whole body shivers with a quake of revulsion and she let's out a visceral sound like 'buughlluuhbhh,' -- a sentiment I couldn't agree with more heartily -- before she tucks her wand away and says, "sorry, what were we talking about?"

"Uhhhh....okay. Fuck. Ummm...Just a bit distracted by the bad-assery."

She laughs modestly.

"I think I was going to ask...if you know that you glow, too?" I ask.

"Me??" she says, surprised.

"Yeah. You said I had a glow earlier. But do you mean to do it?"

She looks at me blankly so I explain, "I've seen you, or rather your magic, I suppose. When you walk through the forest or when we've–y'know.." I don't know why I feel suddenly embarrassed.

"Glow how?" she asks. "Like you?"

"No, it's your magic. I mean, I think it is? You pulling my leg? It's the flowers and vines? Whites and blues?"

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