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Brizo was always one of the most popular girls in Beacon Hills. With her pale skin, silky blonde hair, icy blue eyes. She was the staple of beauty in Beacon Hills. But if the people of Beacon Hills knew the truth, she would be an outcast, one of the hunted.

She knew what happened to the Hale pack, and she was one lucky mother fucker to avoid hunters. She knew that due to the countless times she sat in her dining room and patched Derek Hale up from the silver and the wolfsbane.

"You know with the amount of times I end up cooking dinner while I simultaneously make sure wolfsbane isn't headed to your heart. I should be getting paid." Brizo said with a small laugh. "Well I feel like my protection is enough." Derek said with a grit of his teeth while Brizo used a lighter to burn the wolfsbane out.

"Your lucky I love you." She said and then pulled away from the older man. "And we're done here." She said and got up to wash her hands. She then found herself in the kitchen taking the pasta off the stove. "You know" Derek started, that never ended up good

"I want you to start fighting." Derek said from the doorway of the large kitchen. Brizo let out a sign and strained the pasta she then put it into the sauce. She turned around to face the Hale. "I have a bad feeling. And I want you on my side." He said and stepped closer to her. "I have nothing but a voice and some skill." She said with a huff. "Yeah well that voice can drag men to their deaths from 50 miles away. And that skill is something many don't have. Just think about it" Derek said knowing she didn't want to continue this conversation. The blonde girl just nodded then started to serve the both of them dinner.

They were the only family each other had, and they had to make due.


Later that night after Derek had left to go to the secret loft as Brizo had sat upon the dock. She was dressed in nothing but her undergarments. A towel beside her. She pushed herself off the dock and into the water. The cold stagnant liquid engulfed her and she breathed it in.

Her light blue tale formed on her body, the gills ripped there way open on her ribs. Her hands webbed themselves and she felt her tail, heavy behind her. Her ears grew bigger and fin like and finally her eyes glossed over an opaque white. When she came to the surface she looked up at the moon, the full moon. The one thing that wanted to forced the tune from her throat and past her lips. She let her throat take control and the tune slipped past her teeth and into the night sky.

The soft and soothing sound similar to a lullaby somehow attracted the ears of someone unexpected. A twig snapped and the siren quickly turned her head. "Who's there?" The girls voice sounded, in a sultry but calming voice. She closed her eyes for a second and gained some control. When she opened them they were her normal blue.

Someone pushed past the tree line and showed themselves. A boy, no older then 16, his heart beating at a rapid pace. The siren saw the curiosity in his eyes. "Hello, and who might you be." The blonde said and she swam closer to the boy who stood at the shore line. He didn't answer her as she sized him up. He was tall, quite lanky, and very shy looking. The reason he didn't answer was unknown to her. But to him, it was everything.

Simply because that was the girl he sat next to in Chemistry. In the very back of the classroom. Somehow the two ended up at a table together. The most nerdy nobody and the most popular beauty. Brizo Tallulah. "Hello?" Brizo said and splashed him with water. He flinched slightly and really looked at the girl.

"Wait a second I know you." She said and swam closer, careful not to come anywhere near where he could possibly see anything distinct about her. That statement took him aback a little. For he didn't think someone like Brizo Tallulah could know him. "Your Issac Lahey, you uh sit next to me in Chem." She said and gave him a small smile. He just nodded his head and looked down.

"Have a seat, it's okay I don't bite." He did as she said and slowly took a seat. "What brings you all the way out here Lahey?" Brizo asked with a slight laugh. "I heard a voice." He said finally breaking his silence. Brizo gave him a look to elaborate. "Beautiful singing, it was angelic." He said with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"That was me. I love to sing, just happened to do it while swimming." Brizo said, covering her own ass with a lie. "So why are you even swimming this late?" Issac asked, hoping she wouldn't mind. She just shrugged but then answered. "I just love the water. Swimming is my favorite thing." She said with a smile. "Why aren't you on the swim team then?" Issac asked. He knew she wasn't on the team, his own father was the coach. "I swim for fun, not for sport." She said and swam away from him slightly.

He just gave her and small nod then got up. "Leaving so soon?" She asked with a small frown. "It's late, my father will be angry." Issac said and backed away from the water more. The blonde girl gave him a 'fair enough' look and gave him one last smile.


That next whole week Chemistry class was quite awkward, well not for Brizo at least. For she did not mind that Issac saw her in the water. She actually quite enjoyed the company. For the popular girl Brizo was quite lonley. Danny Mahealani who was truly her best friend, and because of that she had Jackson and Lydia.

But even then that's not much. For now the boy next to her shook like a leaf for the 3rd day in a row. Brizo placed her pale hand on his knee and looked over at him. The feeling caused him to jump lightly then whip his head to look at the blonde next to him. "Your nerves are making me worry Lahey." Brizo said in a quiet voice.

The two locked eyes and Issac felt like Brizo Tallulah could see right into his sad soul. "If it's about the other night I promise you don't need to worry." Brizo said and patted his knee. She then took her hand off and resumed to her work. Issac had let out a breath and then continued to do his own work.

Something about the girl had always entranced Issac. Her long blonde hair, soft looking pale skin, bright blue eyes, but especially her smile. The smile that lights up a room, that makes him forget about his own problems. But Issac knew every boy in the school felt like this.

They constantly talked about her in the lacrosse locker room. And any time any of the guys would even dare say they wanted her Jackson and Danny were to her rescue. Because they were the quartet of Beacon Hills Highschool. The unstoppable group of four. Lydia Martin, Jackson Whittemore, Danny Mahealani, and Brizo Tallulah. The most popular people in Beacon Hills Highschool. One of which finally noticed him.

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