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That night Brizo stood near the stands looking for Lydia, her game watching partner. When she looked over she saw Scott Mcall and gave him smile. He soon waved her over and she immediately walked onto the side where the team sits. "I don't think Stiles is coming." Scott says sadly. "What do you mean?" Brizo said with a voice of concern. "Stiles caught a break. Apparently the person who texted Allison the night we were at the school. It came from my moms computer login at the Hospital. They went to check it out. Derek also said something about checking on his Uncle." Scott said to her. Brizo's eyes showed recognition for a second. She remembered what her Uncle Peter had been like. The happy go lucky man he used to be.



10 year old Brizo laid in bed on the night of the full moon. "Do you think Derek will be okay?" Young Brizo asked looking up at her uncle. The man nodded his head and gave her a smile. "He's learning control little one. It comes harder to a wolf then a siren. He will be okay. Thalia and Salacia are with him." Peter said and pushed her hair from her face. "If you say so. Since Salacia isn't here will you read to me?" Brizo asked. Peter knew well her favorite poem and nodded his head with a loving smile. He started resisting the Raven, a poem by Edgar Allan Poe. The young girl fell alseep halfway through him speaking but he continued and looked at his niece. He loved the girl as if she was his own. Her own father not being around much. He tried to fill a gap for her. He would do anything for his family.


Her eyes opened after a second and they locked with Scott's. "Well you guys will just have to play a good game without Stiles. We can regroup with them after the game or tomorrow morning." Brizo said and patted Scott on the shoulder. She looked past the boy and saw Issac. Her heart swelled up... quite abnormal. Brizo pushed down that feeling and gave Scott a small smile and wished him good luck then walked off. When she neared the boy and smiled at him. "You Mr. are are so nervous." Brizo said with a laugh dragging out the so.

She heard his heart beating quickly. "Just a little."A blush rising to the boys cheeks. "Well Isaac your going to do amazing. I will be rooting for you in the stands." She said and his smile grew wider. "I'm your number one fan Lahey!" She yelled as she walked away. Now his heart was beating incredibly fast. Never did he know that the girl he's liked for years would ever root for him.

The game has so far went smoothly. Brizo had spent the whole night cheering beside Lydia and somewhat near the Sherrif. She narrowed her eyes on the field and saw the ball had been passed to Issac. There were 28 seconds left on the timer. She immediately jumped up. "Go Issac! Woooo!" She yelled and clapped her hands together. Lydia looked up at the girl and really studied her face. She knew that look from anywhere, admiration. "Let's go Lahey!" She yelled again when he was nearing the goal.

It's like time had slowed. He gave her a look and a big smile and took the shot. Just second left on the clock. The ball went in and the team and stood and yelled. But no one louder and more important to Issac then the beautiful blonde in the stands. He looked over at her as the team was all jumping around and the smile on her face was enough to brighten up his worst days.


10 minutes later Lydia had left, so had most families. Brizo followed the team into the school. She saw Scott talking to Allison and she listened in as best as she could. But she could barley hear due to a player coming up and screaming in McCalls face. Someone bumped into her from behind and she spun around immediately. When she looked up she saw Issac's glowing smile staring down at her.

Out of instinct she immediately hugged him tightly around the waste. Issac was confused but reciprocated the hug. "You did so amazing out there." She said into his chest then pulled away. "Thank you. I appreciate your support." He said with a smirk. "Do you have any plans for after the game?" Brizo said with hope. "No, game nights my Dad understands I get home late. Why?" He asked inquisitively. "I wanna treat you to ice cream. You are the reason we won so I want to do something for you." She said with a smile. In all honesty, she didn't know what was going on in her own head. All she could think was his sweaty look was working for him.

Issac said yes and told her to give him 15 minutes. So the girl waited on the benches near the locker room. Usually she would go in, but she did not need to see the team post win shower rituals, or whatever those weirdos did. The door opened and someone said her name. She looked up from her phone, as she was trying to send Derek a text, and saw Danny. Brizo congratulated him and then he immediately spoke. "I saw your ass cheering for Lahey. What's all that about?" He said wriggling his eyebrows. Danny could admit as a gay man, Issac was very attractive and in all honesty, exactly what his best friend would adore.

"What's with the eyebrows creepy?" She asked with a laugh. "Your avoiding my answer, actually I already know. You like him girl." He said and stood infront of her, looking down. "No I don't, he's just a friend Dan." The blonde said and kicked his leg lightly. "You've never had friends besides Jackson, Lydia, and I in years." He said emphasizing the 'years'. She went to speak but he beat her to it again. "And you've been hanging out with McCall and Stilinski, which is even weirder." He said with a loud chuckle. "Yeah those two were completely accidental. And i'm regretting ever speaking to them honestly." She said with a laugh, which was honestly the truth. Scott annoyed her, and Stiles annoyed her even more. "Well whatever floats ur boat Tallulah. I'll see you later." Danny said with a smile and walked off.


The next person to walk out those doors was thankfully Issac. "Ready to go?" He said looking down at her. "Yuppers." She said and got up. The two walked to the car, the bright blonde with quite the pep in her step. They loaded up Issacs bike and then headed for a nearby Ice Cream parlor. They quickly went to order. Brizo was standing on the opposite end of the case as Issac when a voice called hers.

She looked up and saw Braxton Denvers, star basketball player of Beacon Hills High. "Brizo what can I get for ya?" He asked sweetly, too sweet. "I'll just take a scoop of cotton candy with rainbow sprinkles in a cone please." She said trying to get the words out. She wanted minimal interaction with him. That douche has had a crush on Brizo since they were in junior high. She could never shake this guy. He nodded his head and went to get it. When he brought it over he spoke quickly. "Anything else I can get you? Maybe a date for tonight. I get a break in 5 minutes?" He asked suggestively. "I'm alright, i'm already here with someone." She said with a plain straight face. "Oh come on cutie. Maybe I can take you on a real date instead." Braxton asked again.

"She said no Denvers."

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