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"Swear on it."

Brizo said and gave him a sad smile. Issac reached his hand up and locked his pinky with hers. While there hands where still linked Issac took a long pause. "My dad and I... we got in a fight about my grades. He uh...sorry." Issac says and stops again. "It's okay Issac take your time." Brizo said and rests her other hand on his knee.

"Sometimes when he's angry he gets physical. Hitting, throwing stuff." He paused again. "My dad... he wasn't always like this." He finished and put his head down. Brizo brought both of her hands towards Issacs face and he flinched immediately. She pulled away slightly but then tried again. When she did Issac leaned into her touch and let out a sad sigh. Then he let the tears flow.

"I just don't know why he's so mean." Issac said then let out a sob. Brizo immediately wrapped her arms around Issac and pulled him down. Issac pushed himself off the counter and let himself almost collapse in Brizos arms. "Shhh it's okay hunny." Brizo cooed and pulled him tighter to her body. "I dont understand why he hates me so much." Issac said with a louder sob and the tears fell onto Brizos bare shoulder. She put one hand in his hair and one hand on his back and rubbed them, trying to comfort the boy.


After a few minutes Issac sniffled then pulled himself away. Brizo leaned forward and wiped his tears. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have even come." Issac said and pushed the girl off of him then went to make his way out of the home. That was the thing about him, he didn't feel like he deserved the comfort. Brizo walked quickly after him and when he opened the front door she immediately slammed it shut. "Stay." Brizo let out in a breathy tone as she looked up at him. "You... you want me to stay?" He asked as green eyes met blue ones.

"Yeah... I don't want you to go back there. At least not right now, plus it gets a little lonely here." She said and placed a hand on his shoulder. Issac nodded and gave her a grateful smile. Brizo grabbed his hand and immediately pulled him up the stairs. She stepped into her room and Issac took in the space.

White walls and white furniture. A canopy bed with light blue sheet curtains and contrasting blue bedding. Seashells and sea glass hung in a sort of wind chime in the corner of her room above a light blue chair. A simple vanity on the opposite wall with many bottles of expensive looking perfume and seashell candles.

And a weird touch... on one last wall. A large stain glass window, the image of the ocean and a rock with a mermaid on it. "You must love the ocean." Issac said with a light chuckle. Brizo gave him a smile... if only the boy knew. "I know I have some bigger clothes somewhere. Sweatpants and a tee shirt probably why don't you get comfy." Brizo said and let go of his hand, causing Issac to reach for her touch. She left the room and Issac kept looking around.

He walked up to a picture frame and saw 3 blonde women stand there. One older looking, maybe in her late 30's. Another one probably in her late teen years, maybe early 20's. And one younger girl, probably just starting to grow up. He recognized her as Brizo. But the other two he didn't. "That pictures from like 2 years ago." She said as she stepped into the room. "Sorry I didn't mean." He started. "No it's fine. It's my mom, on the way left. And my sister in the middle, Salacia. It was her graduation, she goes to the University of Miami now." Brizo said and stepped closer to Issac, pushing the clothes towards him.

He took then hesitantly. "The clothes are my... older cousins. I honestly don't even think he fits into them anymore. The bathrooms that door right there." Brizo said and stepped back towards her own dresser. Issac gave her a smile and stepped into the bathroom.

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