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Brizo had sat upon a cold metal table, wincing as a dark skinned man checked over her wounds. "What even happened Brizo?" Doctor Alan Deaton asked her. "I was walking through the woods when hunters found me. They used big ass blow torches. Ow! Do you have to rub so hard?" Brizo said and gripped the end of the table. "Well these burn marks need to be cleaned. It's one of your biggest weakness. Like wolfsbane to a wolf." Deaton said and pulled away from her.

She gave him a sad look and then looked to the ground. "I didn't think hunters knew Sirens resided in Beacon Hills." Brizo said and gave Deaton a look. "Well Beacon Hills is a beacon to the supernatural so they need to prepare for all kinds of beings." He said and patted the girl on the shoulder. Brizo gave him a nod and pushed herself from the table. "Go home and get some rest Brizo, you'll need it." Deaton said with a smile. Brizo thanked the older man and left, walking home.

On her walk home a bike sped past her and then stopped. Who ever was on the bike turned around and looked at her. When she neared the bike she saw a familiar face. Issac Lahey. "Lahey, what are you doing out here this late?" Brizo asked and stepped closer to him. "Coming home from s-school." He said with a soft stutter. Brizo hummed softly then smiled at him.

"So why did you stop? It must be a long ride home." The blonde girl said, with a tone of worry. "Well your the one walking, don't you live kinda far to be on foot?" He said and shrugged. Issac didn't really think about his next words. Which might just end up with him being the laughing stalk of Beacon Hills Highschool all over again.

Next thing you know Brizo Tallulah was sat a-top Issac Lahey's handle bars. Her long blonde hair was put in a quick braid over her shoulder to avoid it blowing in Issacs face. He wouldn't have minded, he never would. She gave him the directions to the house that was not far away. "Right here is good. I'm not gonna make you go all the way up my drive way." Brizo said and Issac coasted to a stop.

When she jumped off his handle bars she looked at him and smiled. "Thank you for the ride Issac. It was very sweet of you." She said with a big smile and put a hand on his shoulder. She thought he might flinch from the touch but he actually leaned into it. "It's no problem." He said quietly with a small smile. "Go home it's getting late." Brizo said and stepped away from the bike, pulling away from Issacs touch. He nodded and smiled and kicked off the ground, biking away.


She watched him ride away for a second with a small smile. She then walked up her driveway still smiling, until she saw a black sports car. Her smile dropped, as well as her heart to the stomach. She walked to her front door and twisted the knob, unlocked. She walked right in and saw Derek brooding in a dark corner, like always. "Do all werewolves brood in dark corners? Or is it just you?" Brizo asked and stepped more into the room, kicking the door closed. "I- I don't know." Derek asked kinda stunned.

"What's up Derek? You never visit these days for no reason." Brizo said with a pang of hurt in her chest. "You know i've been busy." He said with no sign of remorse on his face. "Yeah with whatever you never seem to tell me about." Brizo said and flopped onto the couch with a wince. Derek immediately caught it and stepped closer to the girl. "Your hurt." He said and stepped even closer. Brizo gave him a look and pulled up her shirt slightly.

The slowly healing burns shocked Derek at first. He sat himself down on the couch next to her and went to touch it. When she moved away he knew she was scared. "Who did this to you?" He asked and quirked his brow. "Hunters, I was taking a run in the woods. I don't know how they knew." She said and pulled her shirt back down.

Derek put his arm around her shoulder and she immediately leaned into his touch. "You know I care about you Brizo. Your all I have, your my sister." He said and gave her a loving kiss on the top of her head. "I know Derek, your my brother. I would do anything for you." She said and nuzzled into the man's hold. He was the closest thing she had to family.

𝐂𝐞𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 {𝐈𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐜 𝐋𝐚𝐡𝐞𝐲}Where stories live. Discover now