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"She said no Denvers."

A voice from next to her said and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Lahey." Braxton said with a look of disgust. "I'll take a scoop of cookie dough in a cup thanks dude." Issac said pulling Brizo a little closer. Braxton grumbled off and just went to fulfill Issacs order. "Thank you Issac." Brizo started looking up at him. He sensed a but. "But..." Here it was. "I didn't need it." She said with a smile. He knew that, she's a very tough girl.

She could probably make a grown man cry if she wanted too. "I know that Briz, I just wanted to do something for you. Just once." He said quietly so only she could heart it. She just smiled at him. Briz was new, none of her friends called her that, not even her family. "What?" He said quietly. "Briz, that's new. I like it." She said, mumbling that last part, but Issac heard. Braxton soon came over and handed Issac his ice cream. Before he could give them a total Brizo just gave him a twenty and told him to keep the change. Her and Issac walked out, his arm still around her. The two reached a table and they were forced to leave eachothers grip. Brizo felt a flutter in her stomach.


The pair ate there ice cream, having small talk about the game. Brizo was still on a high of how well Issac did. Issac was estatic, he's never heard someone talk so highly of him. He warmed his heart. His thought somewhat forced him to interrupt her. "You know I always thought you were mean." He blurted out. Brizo's smile dropped slightly. "Me? Mean?" She asked leaning forward a bit. "I always just assumed that you were like Lydia and Jackson. I always knew Danny was a good guy. I guess I just associated you with your friends." He said but then smiled. "Well I hope I made a better impression." She said with a laugh.

What he said kinda made her upset. She never had any friends besides the three. She met Lydia through figure skating when they were only 6, them being competitors. She then met Danny a year later, through her older cousin Cora, who seemingly liked the boy when she was younger. Jackson was then introduced to them by Danny. The four became a group, she just didn't realize how that looked to other people.

Issacs voice snapped her out of a daze. "You've been the nicest to me then anyone's been in a long time." He said putting his hand on her chin making her look up. "You showed me what it's like to have a friend besides Boyd." He said with a smile. Brizo knew who Boyd was. He worked at the rink she skated at. He always sharpened her blades and even let her stay after hours to practice. He always said "Your the only nice skater that comes in here. The hockey teams and figure skaters are assholes"

Brizo continued to stare at Issac. "What do I have something on my face?" He asked removing his hand from her face. "You do actually." She said finally studying his face. He had ice cream on the left corner of his lip. She moved her hand towards his face and used her thumb to wipe the ice cream. She then wiped her hand on her sweatshirt. Isaac just had the biggest smile on his face, and a deep blush to his cheeks. "What do I make you nervous Lahey?" She asked teasingly. "Sorta kinda Briz." He said quietly.

Brizo got up from her seat and sat next to him on the other side of the picnic table. She leaned into his personal space a bit. "What about now?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows. She reminded herself of Danny. Oh no... now she's thinking about what Danny said earlier. "Maybe a little more." He said gruffly. "Still?" She asked even closer, her hand leaning on his chest now that he was facing her. "Definitely." He said, in a somewhat trance The two stayed quiet for exactly 38 seconds. Brizo counted every single one.

Isaac put his hand on the side of her face tentatively. Brizo leaned in even more. She could practically feel his breath on her face. Issac filled the gap and there lips connected. She didn't kiss back and first because she was in shock. Major shock. Isaac pulled away and pulled his hands from her face as if he was burned.

"I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done tha." He started but was cut off by Brizo pulling the collar of his long sleeve. She reconnected there lips and she felt a blush rise to her own cheeks. His right hand went to the back of her neck and made the kiss deeper. After exactly 45 seconds, yes she was counting. They both pulled away for a breath. They locked eyes with eachother and Brizo just let out a giggle. That giggle scared Issac.

He was officially going to be the laughing stalk of beacon hills. "Sorry, this is just ironic." She said and giggled again. Isaac just looked at her not knowing what to say. "Danny told me earlier that I liked you. I told him no. Now here I am kissing you." She said and giggled again but had a huge genuine smile. She immediately pulled him in again and kissed him. Now she's just being bold. This was different then the first one.

This was careful, and sweet. Not rushed and a little awkward. This one made butterflies flutter in her stomach. When they pulled away again they just smiled. The two agreed it was time to leave and they got into the girls camaro. Issac was silent, and honestly over thinking. Brizo could just hear his heartbeat. "Don't over think anything Issac." She said looking over at him while she was driving him home.

"I'm not over thinking i'm just... okay maybe I am." He said with a sheepish smile. "Don't, I didn't kiss you out of pity or anything." She said and placed her hand on his hand that was resting on the console. Issac flipped his hand over and proceeded to hold hers. She looked over and smiled at him then looked back at the road. When she pulled up to Issacs home they got out and took his bike from the trunk. "I had a good time tonight thank you for joining me." She said and grabbed his hand placing it in hers. "Well thank you for inviting me." He said and squeezed her hand. They both leaned in for another kiss.

This time his hand left hers and landed on her waist. He pulled her closer and there lips connected. Her hands found there way around his neck and she pulled him closer. The strain in his neck barley bothered him. He didn't care, he was kissing Brizo fucking Tallulah. Her hands found her hair and she tugged. He let out a groan and they pulled away for a breath.

Brizo brought him back down and kissed him harder. She never thought she would feel like this. She's never had real feeling for anyone. She honestly thought they were just friends. But that first kiss... it just ignited something in her. She wouldn't say she liked him, but god damn she couldn't get enough of the way his cologne smelled when she was this close to him.

A call broke the silence and when they broke apart Brizo felt the vibration in her pocket she immediately picked it up not checking the caller I.D and yelled "What!" She belted. Issac moved back a bit and had an amused look on his face. "Brizo, don't yell at me. Listen I found the alpha and... listen we just gotta talk. Come home." Derek said and immediately hung up.

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