Chapter 2: Todoroki's deep sleep!

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°After school on the way back to the dorms°
Todoroki POV:
My legs are so heavy. My chest is burning. My throat is dry. My head is pounding. Am I getting sick? Am I even able to get sick? I wasn't sick before was I? It feels like I'm about to black out. "Common at least make it to your room" I warned myself. Or maybe I should turn around and see Recoverygirl. My vision is slowly getting darker. I feel so dizzy!

Bakugo POV:
We were on our way back to the dorms. Shitty hair and Dunce Face were talking with out a single break and started laughing every five minutes. I was wondering how and when they were breathing. That's when I saw the half and half bastard. He staggered about 10 meters in front of us. But he was unusually slow. And today at school he also looked a little bit pale and sick. Although he's actually alsways pale. Well, I don't care anyways.
Or at least I didn't care until he broke down right in front of us. Shitty Hair and Pikachu didn't even realise at first. But as soon as they did they quickly rushed to his aid. Why couldn't he break down in front of someone else. I rolled my eyes.

Kirishima POV:
We were on our way back. Denki and I Talked about really important topics. Bakugo on the other hand looked like he was worried or thinking about something urgent. But it wasn't unusual. Most of the time he just walks along side us not really listening to our conversations.
I had just seen Todoroki and in the next moment he was gone. I looked around us when I realised he was laying on the ground. What was he doing down there? In the same moment Denki saw as well and started running towards him. I quickly followed him. Bakugo took a moment longer but soon joined us too.

Todoroki was unconscious. Denki started shaking him like crazy. "That wont help, dumbass. You'll just give him a concussion!" Bakugo said with an annoyed tone in his voice. This was way to overwhelming for Denki's simply knitted brain. He looked at the unconscious Todoroki as if this where his last minutes. Suddenly he jumped to his feet. "I will go get a teacher!" He said his voice full of panic and ran of. Bakugo rolled his eyes and added: "Don't make such a big deal out of it. He probable just haven't slept enough or something like that". He can be so heartless. It surprises me that it still amazes me.

Kaminaris POV:
Oh God, is he dead?! I grabbed his shoulders and started shaking him as hard as I could, hoping he would wake up. "That wont help, dumbass. You'll just give him a concussion!" I was accused by Bakugo. "Well how about giving me a better idea then!" I answered in my head not brave enough to say it out loud. In the same moment the idea came to me without Bakugo's help: "I will go get a teacher" I said and made my way back to the school building.

It didn't took long until I arrived at the giant UA building. I quickly realised that because school was already over since abaut 20 minutes no one was still here anymore. No teacher, no student, no one. I then started thinking where I could find a teacher and it came to my mind that Recoverygirl should still be in her office. She always stays longer in case of a student suddenly getting hurt or sick.
I ran as fast as I possible could along the hallways. "Where was that damn office again? This school is like a giant Maze" I was thinking to myself not seeing there was a corner coming up. A few seconds before I hit the wall I was able to turn around the corner. That was close. To close. Close enough for me to slip and belly flop the ground. All my bones were hurting. But before I could get back up Recoverygirl stormed around the next corner. Her face looked like she had heard a bombshell go off and wanted to look for survivors. Relieve hit her when she spotted just me. I embaristly smiled.

Kirishima POV:
Bakugo gave off a long sight. "I will head back to the dorms. It looks like you two have everything under your best control" he said annoyed of this whole situation. Then he left.
It wasn't long until Denki's return. Recoverygirl was right behind him. He was also limping a bit and his clothes and hair looked all messen up. Is he okay? Before Recoverygirl turned to Todoroki to look for injuries or any form of over exhaustion and or dehydration she gave Denki her phone. "Please, call Mr. Aizawa and tell him where we are and what happened" she told him. He nodded. Then she looked over to me and said: "Would you be so kind and help me carry him to the infirmary?" I nodded and we returned to the school building.

To be continued...

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