Chapter 44: The train to a new town!

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Midoriya POV:
We were finally talking to each others again, slept in one bed again and Shoto and Kacchan seemed to get along again if not even better than before.

The days passed by and before we knew it another month had passed. I slowly started walking again, but needed a lot of help getting used to it again. It was painful and exhausting especially at the beginning and I really missed how easy it was back when RecoveryGirl was still taking care of any injuries. But with Shoto and Kacchan by my side I was pulling through quit well, I think. I'm not sure how I would have done it without them. By the time we packed our bags I was able to walk a couple meters already but not for long distances just yet. With a heavy heart Terry let us go anyway though. My wounds were well healed with my bones seeming to have recovered well and only some deep cuts and bruises being left. To be on the save side Terry even held an hour long lecture for Shoto and Kacchan as well as give us tons of bandages, painkillers and more to make sure we'll be alright. I remember how aghast he was when he saw our previous first aid kits.
We threw out our old clothes and got new ones from Terry. Then we packed all our stuff into two backpacks so we could fold the third one and stuff it in there somehow as well. To be able to fit everything we left out all the pans and camping materials except the necessaries like bedrolls or a fire kit. We knew we were going to travel from city to city so we didn't see the use in them anymore anyway. After switching out some more equipment and fitting the rest of the stuff in to our bags we were all packed. Then we went to bed to have one last rest before our new journey. The next morning we got up quit early. Even before the sun started rising we got out of bed and had breakfast. Because I wasn't able to walk for long distances yet Terry had organised us a long belt wich would make it a lot easier for Kacchan and Shoto to carry me without having to use their arms. As we stood in front of the Hospital the sun slowly started to peak up over the edge of the horizon. Terry couldn't stop crying. He had gotten quite attached to us in the past two months we had been here. As I hugged him goodbye he had a hard time letting me go again and his last words before we left were: "One day you'll have to come back you hear me!?"

We followed the directions towards the train as Terry had described. The path led through a forest with huge trees and lianas hanging down from the top branches all the way to the ground. Only a narrow path barely in tact led through that jungle. I walked on my own until so manny massive roots reached over our way that even the other two had a hard time to pass. Shoto carried me the rest of the way until the forest got less and less thick and finally split. Thick rails made their way through the trees. As we were told we followed them north. About a kilometre later we reached a stop marked through a platform of stone next to the rails and an old sign so over grown you couldn't read it. All I could see were some rusty symbols. And then we waited. After about 30 minutes it finally came. A dark red train came roaring and rattling along. Branches broke as the train carried them away. Wind blew around us and dust swirled when it finally came to a stop right in front of us. The rails were steaming where the wheels had crashed over. The front door opened abruptly and with a loud bang. Flickering, dim light shone from the mysterious train. "Come on," Kacchan said and I stood up from the edge of the platform. Shoto went in first. Then he gave me his hand and pulled me onto the three steps behind the open door. The platoon leader's seat was empty. Just a gray cat lounging on the seat. "H-Hello?" I look around. Not a soul far and wide. "Just keep going," Kacchan ordered me. "Fine, fine. I'll go." Shoto grabbed my hand as he walked ahead. The atmosphere was creepy. So quiet and yet everything creaked as soon as you moved. Every single step was so loud it echoed until it reached the other end of the Train.

"Hey!" a dull voice came from behind us. "Don't you want to pay?" we turned around frantically. A dark figure was now sitting in the train driver's seat. We walked back slowly. "Sorry. We must have missed you." Shoto said cautiously. When I looked into the figure's face I held my breath. A face covered with gray fur. Long whiskers that adorned the cat's nose. A monocle on the left eye. A large top hat on his head and a fine suit with a red tie. "What's there to stare at?" said the cat in a rude tone. "S-Sorry" I replied. "And stop stuttering, you lost deer!" It complained. Kacchan was about to say something but Shoto was faster. "We're really sorry. Please don't think we wanted to enter without a ticket. We just thought there was no one around and- whatever. How much would be one?" The cat eyed us for a moment. "Are you the three boys sent by Terry?" "Yes, that would be us. Katsuki, Izuku and me Shoto." "I didn't ask for names." It said harshly. "I guess that makes 15 gold each then." It mumbled. Shoto pulled a little bag out of his pocked and laid 45 Gold into the cat's paw. Then the cat sorted the coins into an old school cash register and finally gave us three light brown tickets. Each with a golden edge and black letters saying "The Whiskers Express." "Thank's for your help" I said. Shoto put the pouch back into his pocket and we made our way to the back of the train.

To be continued ...

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