Chapter 18: Off to a new adventure!

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Chapter 17 recap: "What do you have there? Can I see?" Todoroki asked and Midoriya handed him the book. "I think this is the diary of a former resident of this dreamworld" he said. "Does that mean this will help us get out of here?" Midoriya asked exited. "Maybe. Let's not get our selve to riled up about it. Not only could it be a fake to mess with our heads and give us false hope, it might not even have clues on how to get out of here." Todoroki answered. "But there's a chance! Finally! We finally found something that might help!" Bakugou shouted relieved.

Todoroki POV:
I stood behind him and looked over his shoulder as Izuku read through the pages of the diary carefully. Katsuki meanwhile had to control himself not to snap at us because in his opinion it took to long and ran up and down next to the dining table Izuku was sitting at. As Izuku flicked over the last page he finally came to a stand. Both Katsuki and I looked at him expectant. "Hm... this is quite interesting" he mumbled. "WHAT IS?!" Katsuki had enough of the waiting and demanded an answer. "Well by now I am pretty sure that this is the diary of a former victim of the Spectator..." Izuku started. "Aaaand?" "Well their situation seems to have been a little bit different then ours." he continued after his thought was interrupted by Katsuki. "In what way?" I asked. "I am pretty sure they got here the same way we did but their first location was somewhere else-" "If you don't start explaining in a way we can understand as well I'm gonna loose it, Deku!" "Then stop interrupting me, Kacchan! I am trying my best here." Katsuki already opened his mouth but before he could spout an insult I reached for his hand and exchanged his fist for my hand. He looked at me for a couple of seconds and kept unwillingly shut. I intertwined our fingers in thanks for his behaviour and we continued to listen to Izuku.

"Ok, so I am certain the diary belonged to the women I showed you on the picture earlier. On that matter I believe all the things in that box were her belongings. She mentioned multiple different locations in her diary the last being this place. Her last entry ends with her and the I believe other two men on the picture finding this house. I am not sure where she went after that but if we look at Shoto's notes of what the Spectator told us after we arrived here the chance that all three of them are dead by now is most likely. Now to the part relevant for us. I mentioned that they were at different places right? In this diary she talks about places that make this forest look boring and normal in comparison. We believed there was no way out of these woods but I am telling you if we go the same way the people in this book did just the other way around we might actually find a way out of here. This could be the guide to new clues we couldn't have seen yet because they are practically in a hole other world. It's like they started the same way we did but at a different location and managed to find this forest!" Before Izuku could drift of in his thoughts and theories like he usually does Katsuki interrupted him once more: "Ok, but if these people went all the way to this forest doesn't that mean that the exit is most likely somewhere here? I mean if the spectator got rid of them around this area doesn't that mean they may have come too close to the truth or something?" "I don't think so" I answered. "Considering we pretty much searched the entirety of this place multiple times makes me think this isn't the end location. Though I agree with you at one point. I don't think the place those people started at was the way out either. But as Izuku said by heading in that direction we might find clues we haven't been able to reach jet. If you ask me even the slightest track will help us more then continuing to stick around this place." "I think it would be better if we stayed at least a couple more days" Izuku said. "Hm? Why is that?" I asked. "Well I haven't finished searching the entire house jet. There might be more clues that can help us. We shouldn't rush things." He answered. "Of course we won't instantly leave you baka's" Katsuki added "If we really decide to abandon this place and move on we have to make sure to equip. Now that we have acces to all this stuff we might as well use it. No use to run of as empty handed as we arrived." "So, what's the plan? Izuku looks through the rest of the stuff laying around while Katsuki and I prepare for us to leave?" I said to make sure the plan was clear to all of us. "Sounds good, right?" Izuku agreed. "All right fine. I guess that sounds like a promising plan." Katsuki answered.

We decided that Katsuki would concentrate on equipment like weapons and tools while I prepared some food rations like bread and looked for clothes suitable for long trips. The next tree days we were pretty busy with finding good tools and repairing those we could still use, making supplies like torches, cooking rations, finding edible fruits and vegetables in the woods, repairing clothes we found in the house, packing our backpacks and looking for other clues that might be helpful to us.
The evening before we left we checked all our backpacks once more and collected clothes as well as other items we wanted to take with us. We placed everything on and next to the couch, had a last meal in our temporary home and went to bed early to get enough rest. It sure felt a little bit weird to leave this place after staying here for so long. But I was relieved that when I checked Katsuki's wounds seemed nearly healed so at least we wouldn't have to worry about that. I did pack a couple more bandages last minute just to make sure though. The next morning Katsuki woke us up before sunrise and we prepared for the journey ahead. After eating a filling breakfast we left the house. While the others waited outside I went through the house one last time. I knew Katsuki was probable get angry at me for taking so long but I needed to see our home off properly. When I went back down stairs Izuku was standing in the door frame of the front door. He smiled at me and I thought to myself "I sure am lucky to have those two with me". Then I grabbed my backpack and walked through the front door for the last time. "There you are! Finally!" Katsuki threw at me. We all looked up the house once more and on Izuku's demand headed east.

To be continued...

(Also, here a quick overview of what I think they probable ended up packing and the clothes they were wearing...)

- linen shirts
- wool sweatshirts (in the backpack)
- long sleeved vests with hood
- bracers + gloves
- warm capes
- scarfs

- knee high wool socks
- leathered boots
- Jeans
- purse belts

Backpack each one of them:
- Bedroll (x1)+ blankets (x1)+ pillows (x1)
- extra clothing (one extra set each + wool sweatshirt)
- hatchet / dagger (x1)
- Magnifying class (x1) + Compass (x1) + String (x1) + Rope (x1)
-med-kit (x1)
- Waterskin (x1)

- kitchen utils (pan, pot, jug, bowls, cutlery, coffee grinder, herb sieve)

- food rations (herbs, mushrooms, apples, plums, lemons, berries, bread + jam (self made), coffee beans)

- hand-made torches (x5) + fire-kit (x5)
- Oil lamp (x3) + oil flasks (x6) + candles (x6)

(All of them also packed "personal belongings". For example Midoriya packed the diary as well as the camera he found. This is just the overall equipment...)

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