Chapter 40: A ride!

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Bakugo POV:
The next few days went by in a flash. Most of the time IcyHot and Deku just stayed inside hoping to recover soon. Meanwhile I made my way through the streets of Highland Meadows trying to get some informations about nearby villages and if they deliver goods to other villages without possibility's to provide 'em themselves. Sadly I wasn't very successful due to my temper and those idiots just being stupid. After day eight I gave it up and hoped Terry would be able to help us somehow instead.

The Sun started setting as I made my way back to the hospital. I entered our room. Deku had dozed off in bed and IcyHot was sitting in one of those really comfy arm chairs. "Welcome home." He greeted me with an exited smile. "How was your day?" He asked. "Exhausting." I answered while taking off shoes and jacket. Shoto held open his arms and I took my outside pants off before walking over to him. Then I sat down on his lap and rested my head on his shoulder. I needed a moment to find a good position. IcyHot waited patiently and as soon as I had found one he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight while my eyes slowly started closing.

It was about an hour before my hunger woke me up again. While I had been napping Half n' Half had gotten hold of a book somehow and started reading. When he realised I was awake he asked: "Good afternoon Katsuki. Hungry?" "Well I sure am!" Deku answered for me. I looked over to him. He was sitting on the bed and looked if he had just woken up as well. "How was your day, Kacchan?" "The same as yesterday and before yesterday" "I see." "How about we find something to eat then." IcyHot butted in. We got dressed and had some food. We didn't stay out for long though because of how tied I was. And as soon as we arrived back all of us immediately fell asleep.

It was still the middle of the night when I was woken from my sleep. Half n' Half was clenching onto my arm. He had another nightmare. He had to deal with a lot of them these past few days. I turned towards him. Just per usual I waited for him to wake up in sweat and tears to then be able to comport him and get him to fall asleep again. As soon as he opened his eyes he gasped for air and started hitting everything his arms could reach. I grabbed both his arms before thy reached me. Then I embraced him. It took a moment for him to realise it was just a dream and he was save. But once he did he stoped resisting and held onto me while sobbing into my chest. "It's okay." I said. "I'm scared." He whispered. "I know" I answered. "But there's no need. I won't let anything hurt you." Today it took a lot more back rubs and forehead kisses before he calmed down enough to try and sleep for a couple more hours. I was starting to give up on being able to sleep anymore that night when Deku got woken up from us quietly exchanging words. He then cuddled Shoto from behind and while spooning him nuzzled his neck. That did the trick and all of us were able to fall back asleep.

The next day we tried to find Terry. As soon as we did Deku started questioning him about nearby villages. "I'm not a hundred percent sure wich villages could be of use to your situation but if I may, I have an idea on how you can investigate yourself." "That would be a huge help" IcyHot replied to Terry. "To the north of my hospital at the end of the village, there is a path leading to a train station." "Wait you have those?" Deku asked. "A few of them, yes. But why are you so surprised?" Before Deku would start talking him out I intervened their curiousness "And where does that train go?" "Oh yes. It leads to a lot of nearby villages. Six in total. All delivery villages. At each village the train stopes for an hour. So you could get on that train and ask the villages yourself. If they can't help you just get back onto the train and check out the next one. You will arrive at the last one in about 12 to 24 hours depending on the weather conditions." "That indeed is a good idea. Do you know how much one ticket costs?" Shoto asked. "Considering how rare these trains are plus its a cold season and barely anyone wants to walk right now they will cost up to 20 gold a person but I know you well by now so I might be able to get a better price for you. I wouldn't hope for less than 15 a person if I were you though." "You would do that?!" Deku got excited. "Of course sweetie. For you three it isn't even a consideration." "Thanks a lot." IcyHot bowed in thanks. "But before I let you off I have to confirm that you sweetie are fully healed and Brokkoli to the degree where I won't have to worry so much." Terry added. "How long is that suppose to take?" I said in a slightly annoyed tone. I didn't want to hang around this boring town for even longer but at the same time I wanted for Deku and IcyHot to be in good shape when we leave. "Well broken or bruised ribs usually heal in two to six weeks. But a leg injury as bad as Brokkolis willl take at least three to six months if not longer." "We don't have that kind of time!" "I know I know angry boy. It has become obvious you guys are busy young men indeed. But you will have to stay for at least another month. After that I will check how your injuries are doing and if you're lucky I'll approve your departure."

To be continued ...

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