Chapter 7: The Spectator!

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Recap of beginning Chapter 6:
"No. You don't get it! Both of you are in some weird coma or something! First IcyHot fell unconscious in the middle of the god damn road and wouldn't wake up anymore and just a couple of hours later Deku did too!" Bakugou explained. "Are you saying all three of us are stuck in a coma wich has the side affect of a dream in wich all of us are at the same time and the more time passes the more people join?" Midoriya asked.
"That comes close but isn't fully accurate..." all three of the UA students froze as they heared an unfamiliar voice echoing its way through the huge trees. "Let me explain it more clearly to you... my adorable children" In its voice you could hear a bright grim.

"Humans. They are so many different kind of them and every single one of them has a purpose.
They say that they are the most intelligent beings but they are even to stupid to learn their place.
The only way for them to unterstand is if you use force!
Humans... Aren't they such an interesting species?

Have you ever wasted a thought to those so called Humans?
Have you ever thought they wouldn't be worthy of this so enchantingly beautiful world?

"Oh dear those poor humans!"
"Oh dear, those poor children living on the street!"
"Oh dear, how sad they died so young!"
OH DEAR, what have they done?!
Worrying about creatures which aren't even worth wasting brain cells on!
How about: "Oh dear, that poor piece of useless dirt thinks they should be allowed to live, thinks they are worth our air"!?

Humans, they call themselves the most intelligent being. They say it has been proven by science.
But then they go at each other with destruktive bombs and deadly guns.
And when they run out of bullets don't think they stop. No!
They start punishing each other till there fists bleed.
Kick until their legs break.
Bite until they break their teeth when reaching the bone.
It didn't satisfy them to slaughter animals so they started slaughtering each other.

*chuckles softly while whispering:*
But don't worry there is hope.... Because I was born!

I will be the one saving you! I will be the one SAVING THE WORLD!
Oh, my Children. Just wait for me I am coming!
*A grin hushed over their lips matching those crazy eyes*

You think you are worthy of calling yourself a hero?
After I am done with this universe you will know what a hero is!
Though I guess after I am done there will be no need for a hero anymore.
Only a leader worthy of keeping the balance killing everyone that steps out of line!
That leader obviously will be ME!

You know...
A few years ago I was convinced I would have to kill every single human to save this world.
But it seem though I was wrong...
I know it is hard to believe but there are actually a few humans worth keeping around.
Humans who know what it means being worthy of such a blessing of a world we got ourselves!

They send me!
They gave me this quirk to test the people.
All those who are able to not only survive but manage to escape my beautiful dream.
Those are the humans who deserve to be teached what it means to be a perfect being.
Those with a strong will and an urge to survive without hurting each other.
All those who believe me when I say they should kill each other to escape,
all those who get stuck,
all those who don't survive.
Those who can't complete my test weren't even worth looking at!

Sadly a God can't step on this filthy world so I had to be born a human.
Because of that I am limited and can't test more then five people at a time.
But that also gives me a better opportunity to keep an eye on every step, every breath and every action you take.
I will take my time playing with you until you are worthy of being called my Children!
It will take a while. But I promise one day we will finally be freed!

You three are my new subjects.
If you ask me you are quit promising.
Especially after the last five were such disappointments!
But don't think I will make it easy just because you are quite the handsome fellas.
I will play with your minds, your emotions, your body's!
I will create monsters, illusions, nightmares!
I will make sure you cant even trust your own mind anymore!
My beautiful children....
*Starts to giggle evilly*

Show me what you've got!
Just always remember I am watching you!

*the laughter slowly grew further and further away before vanishing in the pitch black woods"

Midoriya POV:
All three of us stood there shocked of what we have just heard. "So did I get this right?" Kacchan startet "That fr3ak has an idea of a perfect world with perfect humans where everyone lives in discussing harmony or some kind of bullshit. But it isn't even close to the world we are living in right now so that Ba5tard who ever they are had the brilliant idea of killing 95% of the population because they don't quite fit his personal ideals? And they excuse their mass murder with a test in wich everyone has to escape a super annoying, stupid dog shit dream!?
This B1tch steals years of our lives just so we can prove we are worth of living the rest of it?!" Kacchans voice sounded more and more angry as he continued talking. "How did you know it was 95%?" Todoroki asked after he finished "Well genius. 95% of the humans living on our planet are one to old to survive, two to young to survive, three to weak to survive or four to stupid to survive."
"Hey guys" I interfered "I don't know about you but this is way to much all at once. I am extremely exhausted tired and my muscles hurt. I am also hungry and thirsty. It is pitch plack out here and probably way after 12pm. I bet in a couple of hours the sun will rise again. When you ask me we should try to find shelter for the rest of the night and sort out the rest tomorrow." To my surprise both of them even Kacchan nodded. They looked as tiered as me and we started wandering around the woods searching for a shelter once more.

To be continued ...

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