"Yes, entirely beauteous" (1)

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This next section contains mentions of abuse, if this is triggering please proceed to where it says,


The lord and lady of the Malfoy manor, had been going through some tough times. After the war Lord Malfoy became angry, often having ebullitions of rage. Before the war he'd never lay a hand on Draco unless to knock him slightly with his cane. But nowadays he'd come home Drunk and disoriented finding any reason to beat Draco.

So as of last week Narcissa Malfoy became Narcissa Black once again, finalizing the divorce between her and Lucious. Draco had an obvious choice to make, stay with an abusives father or a loving mother.
So choosing his mother, Draco signed the papers and began to pack his bags. He'd leave to one of the black manors the first weekend after school started.

Sadly, this nightmare wasn't at its end just yet. Draco still had one more week with his father before his return to Hogwarts. Tonight was the night he told his dad he was leaving for good and when Lucious found out he was positively vexed.

It was Draco's worst beating ever, first Lucious took out the cane and he began whacking Draco with it, breaking 3 of his ribs. Lucious then removed his belt, slapping it across Draco's back creating long large lines of red oozing with blood and puss. Lucious, blinded by rage, began punching and kicking Draco, giving him bruises all over.

"How does it feel boy?!" He said fume practically steaming out of his ears.
"This is what you get for abandoning your father! I gave you everything! Every opportunity you wanted you got! And this is how you repay me? You could have been a noble heir! You stupid stupid boy! You useless useless boy! I knew you'd let me down! Now look where you are! Scrawny little thing aren't you? All huddle up against the wall, crying and bleeding like the weakling you are!" Lucious went on for a little bit longer but that was the last thing Draco heard before passing out.

When he awoke his body ached all over, he checked the date. "Sweet Merlin!" He'd been out for 2 days. Draco got up slowly and headed towards the bathroom,
"Ow! Merlin!" Draco yelped as he carefully went across the cuts with a wet cloth desperately trying to clean off the dry blood from around the wounds.
He squeezed the counter beside him as he added the alcohol, desperately trying to clean the cut, as he'd hate to get infected. He knew he wouldn't heal in time for Hogwarts so he'd just have to put on a glamour and down a bottle of pain relieve potion from the cabinet.

Draco knew why he'd been beaten, deep down inside he even knew, or at least thought, he deserved it.
His father's trial was soon. The trial that decided if he'd go to Azkaban for the rest of his life or not. It was a fate that could have been avoided with the help of his family. They could provide alibis for Luscious and prove his "innocence". But instead they chose to leave him, which would only look more suspicious and ensure his inevitable fate.


Update for those who skipped:
Lucious is violent, Narcissa decides to leave him, Lucious has a trial for Azkaban soon.


The war of the century had just ended, and eighth year students had a chance to return.

Harry didn't know why he was returning, maybe it was for a sense of purpose, or simply something to do other than dwell over deaths. Whatever it was didn't matter, he was here and there was no turning back now.

Son of a snake  (Drarry)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant