"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" (9)

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Mcgonagall had them in groups again, the same groups as last time which meant Harry was with Malfoy again.

"Today I will give you a pill, it will help you with your transformation and will provide insight on the animal you will be. This will insure more accurate visualization and connection with your animagus. Today's meditation will solidify your link so it is important you remain focused!" Lots of ooo's and aaaaah's went through the class.

Draco walked over to Harry who ignored him. Draco felt small, 'if only you'd just be normal' he thought to himself.

They began their meditation process, breathing in and out, relaxing their body completely. Feeling their hearts beat.

Suddenly Harrys blank mind turned into vision of what seemed to be a creature soaring through the trees. He knew this must be his animagus. It flew from tree to tree, eventually landing on a perch above a lake. The creature looked down and saw it's or rather his reflection. Long red feathers and large graceful wings with a very recognizable fire in his eyes. He was a Pheonix. Harry felt such glee, knowing he was a bird of magic and a beautiful one at that.

Then before he knew it, he was jerked from his vision and put back into reality. Mcgonagall seeing Harry abruptly jerk awake, knew exactly what had happened. She glided over to Harry and whispered "what are you?"
Still in utter disbelief Harry quietly replied "Pheonix" Mcgonagall beemed, she knew this child was powerful. But a magical animagus? Practically unheard of.


Back in the dorms for lunch, Draco and Blaise were eating sandwiches. "So what" 🥪"animal"🥪 "did" 🥪"you get?" Blaise said in between bites.
"An article fox" the blond said smugly "what about you?"
"I got" 🥪 "a-" Blaise started
"Oh Blaise just finish your bloody sandwich then tell me" Draco rolled his eyes.
"Fine." He shoved the rest into his mouth, chewing loudly. "okay, I got a leopard" He said proudly.
"So you're a cat?" Draco giggled.
"No- well yes- but I'm a leopard. Much more dignified I would say."
"Right. Of course." Draco teased.
Blaise simply stared at him in defeat.

Blaise cleared his throat, "so did you uh talk to Potter? About yesterday?"
"Blaise don't do this" Malfoy felt his eyes start to water.

"You know we have to talk about it, you can't let it all just bubble up inside. It's not good for you, remember what happened last time? Draco you could've died!" Blaise was really concerned for his friend. Draco was exactly good at talking about his feelings, so much so it got a bit dangerous sometimes.

"I-I" Draco was crying now "I know Blaisy but it's hard! He wouldn't talk to me, wouldn't even look at me! Like I disgusted him! He just sat there knowing I was melting inside and wouldn't even glance in my direction. I know he knew I was looking at him, but he shoved me aside like I was nothing. Do you know how much that hurts? Blaise in all the years I've known him I can't believe it took me this long to realize... that I think.. I think I love him. And he doesn't feel the same, and it's breaking me. All those years we fought and teased and I only did it because I wanted to hide it, because I thought if I pushed in the other direction that maybe people like my father might actually be proud of me." He revealed, bawling into his hands, his body shaking as the tears rolled down his face and into his lap.

Blaise softened "Draco I am proud of you. Your mother is proud of you. You have come so far, you are a better person than your father could ever be. Even if Harry doesn't choose to love you back which is stupid by the way, that doesn't mean you don't have worth. You are an amazing, funny, kind, loyal, caring person don't ever let yourself think you are any less than that. That's your fathers voice in your head and you need to drown it out." Draco sat there crying into Blaise's shoulder and together they stayed there until he calmed down.
Draco straightened up, "I think I need to be alone right now." Blaise looked at him seriously "I'll be fine Blaise, I'll just be at the astronomy tower reading."
"Okay Dray, be careful"
"Always." Smiled the blond

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