"Potter. I was with Potter." (5)

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Harry had some controversial feelings about today. Today he would attempt to do something he had been putting off for a while. He had been putting this off because he knew that the second he did it, he could never take it back. He liked Ginny, but not in the way he wished he would. Not in the way she did. He liked her as a friend, plain and simple, but even so, he was scared to break up with her. He knew it wasn't right to continue dating someone you have no feelings for, but he was scared he might lose more than Ginny if he broke up with her. Harry was scared all his friends would side with her, and he'd lose Ron, something he couldn't to lose. He'd lost so much already, when would this end? Or would it ever?

So, despite his unwillingness, Harry would break it off with Ginny today. She deserved someone who could love her like she did him. She deserved more than he could give her, so it was only fair that he do this.

Harry sat down at Griffindor table, awaiting dinner. It had been a long day of finishing up homework and preparing for Mondays Transfiguration class.

Suddenly a high pitched squeaky voice came from his right. "Harry Baby! I haven't seen you all day! What've you been up to?" Ginny said taking a seat next to him and sliding up to Harry, so close, Harry swore he was losing circulation in his leg. "Oh, you know.. studying."

Harry cleared his throat, "So Ginny I was-" she cut him off,

"Really? Me too. You should have joined Luna and I in the library. No need to be all alone."

"No, I quite liked the solitude... but Ginny I was-"

"No need to lie for me hun, next time come find me!" She cut him off again. 'Jeez' thought Harry, this was getting annoying.

"Seriously Ginny it's fine, what I was really wondering was-" he was yet again cut off by the red head.

"tsktsktsk... Such a people pleaser! Awww and that's why you're the best boyfriend ever!"

"But Ginny that's just it!" Harry'd had enough

"That's just..what?" The Weasley girl frowned finally shutting up.

'Thank Merlin' Harry sighed,
"Can we go somewhere more umm, secluded?"

"Yeah, of course" her frown turned into a sly smile.

'Crap!' Thought Harry, this wasn't exactly the direction he wanted to go in.

He lead Ginny to a deserted classroom and shut the door. The second he turned around he felt a pair of hot wet lips pressing to his own. Eww. He pushed the girl off of him in disgust, wiping his face with his sleeve. At that, Ginny looked slightly offended.

She opened her mouth to say something but Harry stopped her before she could get any words in.
"Look Ginny, you're a great girl..." he started

"Lies." Piped Azura, Harry carried on ignoring the snake,

"One day I'm sure you'll make someone very happy. But that someone isn't me. I think I as well as you have known that for the past year or so, maybe even before we started dating, that this wouldn't work out. I just don't feel that way for you. I'm not sure if I ever did. You deserve someone that loves you with their whole being, and that person isn't me, as much as I wish it was. I know you might not see it now, but this is really the best for both of us. I am sorry, it's just... my life all happened so fast, I never really got to look into my feelings. I was only ever pushed into things. This clearly isn't meant to be, so hopefully you'll forgive me, I'm am so, so sorry but, we are over Ginnerva. If you'd like to stay friends that's okay, but we are officially over. I don't have feelings for you, I'm really, truly sorry I had to do this to you, I hope that one day you'll forgive me and understand." He finished with a soft smile on his face, he hoped he could comfort her, but he wasn't so sure that's what she would want.

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