"Obviously" (13)

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Harry approached the gargoyle that sat just in front of the entrance to the headmistress's office.
He cleared his throat and said "lemon drops" when nothing happened Harry rose an eyebrow in confusion. He pulled the note back out re-reading it "Ps. I really do despise those horrid lemon drops"

He smiled, cleared his throat and said "horrid lemon drops."

The gargoyle twisted and the Pheonix staircase began to reveal itself. Harry walked up the steps, towards the double doors and knocked.
"Come in Harry" Mcgonagall said

He opened the door and caught sight of the clearly redecorated office. Instead of the bleak colouring and book filled room it used to be, it was now, while still book filled, full of magical creatures and colours. Strangely though, there wasn't a single drop of green, yellow, blue or red in sight, except for book covers, the office was mainly made up of multiple different shades of purple, as well as some gold and silver accents.

Harry also realized she must have used a spell to enlarge the already giant office as it seemed much more spacious even with all of the books, plants, paintings, magical gadgets, portraits and mythical creatures that roamed free.

Mcgonagall beamed "What do you think of my new office?"
Harry didn't even have words to describe it, so he used the closest one he could get to describing it "it's magnificent professor."

"Well I'm glad you like it Harry, I'm hoping someday soon it will be yours. That is, if you want it."

Portrait Snapes jaw practically sank lower than Harry's. Dumbledore merely smirked. As for Harry, he sat there entirely gobsmacked.
"W-" started a confused portrait Snape, but before he could finish Mcgonagall had silenced him making Albus burst out into laughter only to be silenced as well.

After a minute when nobody spoke Mcgonagall started again,
"I am to be stepping down from my position after this year and I was hoping to find someone to fill my shoes."

Harry gained back his voice "Well what about Flitwick I'm sure he'd-"

"Professor Flitwick is a wonderful professor, but he, much like me and all the other professors do not wish to undertake such a position. We need a new mind, a new vision for this school, Merlin knows this school won't make it another decade with the way it is now, maybe less. I know you have it in you Harry, you can make this place better than it ever was. You can unite Hogwarts, you are a powerful wizard dispite what you may think and you've led thousands of people before, who's to say you cannot do it again?"


"I do not wish to finish out my days here and just to end up on a wall with these idiots. I am old and nearing expiration with every passing year. My sole wish is to live out my days in peace and solitude. Do not worry about me, I have fulfilled my life's purpose and all I can do now is see it through to the end. But you Harry, you are young, brave, cunning, loyal and intelligent. You represent it all. You don't have to respond now, all I ask is that you think about it."

"Okay" Harry said warily "I will and thank you so much for this opportunity."

"Of course Harry, remember you are never alone. Not now, not then, not ever. You'll do well to remember that."

With that Harry left the class and began walking back to his room. He couldn't believe it, him? Headmaster? But then he thought about it, would that be so bad? He could change the school, rid it of its rivalries. Show people that history doesn't always define the future. Maybe this thing Mcgonagall had given him was more a blessing than a burden. He would have to think further though, maybe discussing things with his friends would help.

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