"Fate will find a way" (17)

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It had been an entire week since the break up and Harry hadn't left his room. He cried every day and every night, his eyes had dark circles under them. On the 9th day of his self quarantine, Neville brought him breakfast.

"Harry this is the last time I'm bringing you breakfast. so you can get up and go to class or starve. Ron and I have been talking Harry, we're worried about you. We know how hard this is for you, but it's not good to just let yourself go."

Harry felt tears forming in his eyes. Again. "I-I just don't know if I can face him? How-how is he?"

"Harry answering that isn't going to help you."

"I know just, I need to know" he pleaded weakly.

"He's a Malfoy, he's acting all put together and fine, but he looks like shit Harry."

"..oh" Harry didn't know what he was expecting, but he hoped Draco would get better soon, even if he didn't. Draco had to move on. It wouldn't do the world any good if they were together. The only thing it could bring is pain.
What Harry didn't seem to see, was that when they were apart, that pain seemed to be worsen. But Fate couldn't tell him that, he would have to figure that out for himself.

So, as promised. On Thursday Harry showed up to class. He skipped breakfast, sleeping in and slowly getting ready. Today was going to be shit. It already was. At 9 he headed down to his first class, Transfiguration. Everyone had mastered their animagi by now, and Minnie had raved on and on about how their class had been the fastest learners she had ever seen, accomplishing their transformations in half the usual time. So as a result, she had switched to teaching them the spell. Since Ron's group had perfected the spell, they were now learning it wordlessly and if they could wandlessly.

"Good morning class" came Mcgonagalls voice.

"Good morning professor Mcgonagall"
They echoed in unison.

"Today we will be learning and/or improving the Animagi spell. For those of you doing the incantation is: "animatum" and the wand movements are swirl and swish" she demonstrated bringing life to Neville's book.

It smiled and waved "boy have I been waiting for th-" it started, but Mcgonagall flicked her wrist saying "Occidere" as it flopped back down lifelessly.

"And that, is the reverse spell."
She clasped her hands together,
"So, anybody learning today who hasn't learned this spell yet, may start with a wand and the incantations and anybody feeling confident may come with me to learn both spells wandlessly and wordlessly."

Harry checked to his left, seeing Draco who looked practically lifeless. He had spent enough time with the blond to see right through his pure blood mask. Draco looked just as tired as he did. Shit. Thought Harry. I've only made him feel worse. He shook his head, now was not the time to dwell.
He stole one last glance in the boys direction noting that he seemed to be staying behind to do the spell with a wand. So Harry thought he might as while take his chance at wandless magic and give Draco space. He followed Mcgonagall down the hall into a separate room.
"Okay group up everybody, and start practicing! Call on me if you have any questions." Said Mcgonagall.

Harry found Ron and they started practicing together, talking and clarifying instructions. Harry was working animating his shoe, and Ron was working on a piece of pizza, Harry knew better than to ask where he got it from. As someone who has been Ron's friend since 11, he knew the boy was practically always in possession of some kind of food.

After and hour he had managed to half get his spell to work, he had managed to do it wordlessly, animating the shoe for just a second before it fell back down.

"Wow Harry! How'd you do that?" Ron exclaimed excitedly.

"I mean it didn't really work, I used a wand too...." Harry shrugged, a puzzled expression plain on his face.

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