"I'm not gay" (8)

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Harry flipped over onto his side to turn off his alarm. "Mmmmmfff" he mumbled falling off his bed. Tiredly walking over to his bathroom to have a shower tripping over the edge of his carpet and stubbing his toe "FUCK." He exclaimed in surprise, we at least he was awake now. He hobbled on one foot bouncing around in pain. His toe was throbbing but he tried to ignore it and stepped into the shower anyways. Running a hand through his hair, Harry remembered his Hogsmead trip promise to Draco. "I should probably ask Ron and Neville to come with me" he mused.

Stepping out of the shower and getting changed he made his way over to the boys room were he found the two of them sitting on Ron's bed playing wizards chess. "Hullo" he greeted
"Hi Harry!" Beemed Neville "What's up?"

"Nothing much, was just wondering if you two wanted to come with Malfoy and I to Hogsmead."
"Oh?" 'That's unexpected' thought Ron, "You asked Malfoy to Hogsmead?"

"No, he asked me to go, I said sure and that I'd ask you guys to come with." Harry said cluelessly.

"Wait wait wait" Neville rose an eyebrow "He asked you to go, and you said you'd bring us?"

"Yes." Harry confirmed seeing absolutely no problem with that.


"No what?" Now Harry was confused,
"Yeah, no what Neville!? I am seriously craving some chocolate frogs." Ron furrowed his brows in thought.

"No we're not going because Harrys been asked out on a date." Replied Neville simply.

"WHAT?!?" Harry thought his head might explode, "but I'm not gay and Malfoy knows that. Also HOW??"

"A boy asks you to go out to Hogsmead with YOU, ALONE, and you don't think it's a date?" Neville smirked "how in the world did you make it this far golden boy." He teased.

Harry just sat there pale face, utterly baffled. "I-I- What.. what do I do?"
"Well do you like him?" Asked Ron
"No- I don't think- Well.. But... I'm not gay you guys!" Harry felt his cheeks heat up, a date?

"You should go."  Ron decided.

"I should?"

"Yeah and maybe you'll like him and maybe you won't. Either way you'll come out the other side with some type of relationship, platonic or no." He explained in his best know-it-all Hermoine voice.

"I have to give it to you Ronald, you're a lot brighter than I thought" Neville acclaimed
"Thank you!" Smiled the ginger flushing slightly.

"I don't know guys.. I'm not gay!" Harry repeated.
"You keep saying that but have you ever kissed a dude?" Said Neville
"Well no..but-"
"Well there yah go, you won't know till you try!"
Harry reddened at the thought of kissing Draco. There was no way that would ever happen.


Harry looked in the mirror biting his lip, unsure of what to wear. Tousling his hair and shifting his sweater he finally settled on something he thought looked suitable and marched down towards the main hall to meet Draco.

Draco heard someone walking towards him and looked up to see who. "Oh." Was all he could manage when he saw Harry, looking like- like, well.. handsome. He couldn't deny, when not in school uniform the raven haired boy cleaned up rather spectacularly.

"Oh?" Harry questioned throwing Draco from his thoughts, only to make him realize he was staring... at the Griffindors chest. His shirt had been just tight enough to show the muscle that lied beneath.
"Oh.." Draco had to think of a good excuse "Oh, as in you didn't bring your friends.." he smiled to himself. 'I am a genius' he thought.
"Right, I thought it best not." Replied Harry.
"Okay great! I mean not great! Not not great it's just-" Draco was mumbling now, shyly he added "never mind, let's just go"
"Okay" Harry smiled warmly. 'This is definitely a date isn't it?' He thought.

They walked around laughing, talking, going to stores and having fun. The time passed so quickly that when Harry noticed it getting dark he was surprised. Feeling spontaneous he asked "Do you want to stop for dinner? It's getting late."
Draco felt practically giddy "Yes! ...I mean sure" Draco winced 'so much for playing it cool.'

They sat down at a booth in the three broom sticks and ordered some food, "so you ready for Transfiguration tomorrow? Mcgonagall said since we have been progressing so fast we might get to start on our transformation process."

"Really?!!" Harry couldn't wait to transform, "I've been waiting for this since for ever!"
"What do you think you'll be?" Asked Draco
"I'm not sure" Harry stated truthfully,
"I guess only time will tell"

They finished their meal and got up to pay and leave. "Can we sit here for a bit?" Draco gestured to a bench "the sky is just so pretty"
"Sure" Harry smiled.

They sat down, a little squished as the bench was a little small. Pressed against each other Draco could feel his heart pounding. He really hoped Harry couldn't. Harry was gazing up at the stars and Draco found himself far too interested in the boy in front of him to even spare a glance.

Harrys eyes were like fields of green grass and his hair was like animal fur, tousled and disorganized yet soft and smooth. He wanted to touch it, run his fingers through his locks and not worry about what would happen if he did.

Harry shifted his gaze back to Draco and they looked at each other for a while, taking in each others features. Suddenly Draco felt a surge of courage and leaned in to close the gap, but when Harry leaned back, Draco went pale and his gut lurched.
"I..sorry Malfoy I'm just not into that" Harry said.
Draco felt his tears welling "Harry I'm sorry, I- I didn't mean-"
"Malfoy save it. I know you did you did. You tried to kiss me didn't you not?"
"Yes" cried Draco "Harry wait-"
And for a moment Draco felt hopeful because Harry turned back towards him, but his hopes were crushed ones again when he heard Harry say "civil Malfoy. Nothing more. Nothing less."

Draco sat there in the cold bawling his eyes out, he then ran back to his room where Blaise found him.

"Draco?" Asked Blaise "Are you okay? You look-"
"Sadder than a Weasley with hammy down robes?" Draco weeped.
"What happened?"
"I did it Blaise! I tried to kiss him! And he leaned away and told me that he wasn't into that stuff. And.. and I just sat there crying. He probably hates me now! I really liked him and I ruined it!"

"Calm down Dray, deep breaths. It'll be okay" Blaise felt really bad for Draco and was trying to calm his friend down, but he didn't know what to do.


"So what happened with Draco?" Asked Ron.
"He uh he tried to kiss me." Harry looked down at his feet.
"Really?! You guys kissed!"
"No, I leaned back. I left. I couldn't bring myself to do it."
"Oh. Well then you have your answer I guess."
"I guess." Shrugged Harry.
"What do you mean 'you guess' you didn't kiss him because you don't like him right?" Asked Neville, putting away his plants, entering the conversation with interest.
"I think.. I think I just was startled. I don't know you guys. I'm tired and I think it's best to just sleep on it or figure it out another time. I've got enough stuff to do as it is." Harry marched down to his dorm and put on his jammies, flopping down on his bed with an 'oof'.


Thoughts or questions?
Hope you enjoyed! See you next chapter.....

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