Chapter 23 - Part 1

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WHEN Raffe made it back to the palace with a hole in his stomach and his consort battered and bloodied, people made a big fuss. Despite the gravity of the High Commander's reprimand to silence the incident, rumors started to spread within the palace walls, and within just a few hours, it reached the capital.





Every bit of it was getting farther from the truth. It was astounding how people could throw words about another person without any basis, even poisoning their words and twisting the story as it suited them.

Raffe threw his pen and buried his head in his hands. He closed his eyes and will his headache to go away. The letters and numbers in front of him refused to hold still, making it hard for him to do his job. He'd postponed more meetings than he cared to think about these past few days, documents that needed approval were stacked neatly on his table, and his untouched breakfast sat still in front of him.

Soren agreed to send a letter to his brother, Malin, three days ago and told him what was going on.

They were yet to receive word. Raffe had long accepted that he needed the faie folk's help to find out about Soren's condition, and the only one he could trust to be discrete about it was Soren's brother. Raffe refused to make it a bigger deal than it already was especially now that Soren was beginning to show signs of recovery.

Winter is coming and it has been five days since that incident.

Soren said he could no longer hear the voice inside his head and his constant headache faded like it had never even been there before. They have no idea why it stopped, but thankfully it did. Although somehow, at the back of his mind, Raffe knew it was only a temporary fix. And they had no idea when it would happen again. But Soren, the stubborn fool, went back to his duties despite Raffe's insistence that he should rest.

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