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Is Raffe a half-breed?


To go through this question as simple as I can, here's a little recap.

Unlike pureblooded faie, Raffe was not pale, in fact, he had sun-kissed skin as I'd mentioned from the previous chapters before. He also doesn't possess the pointy, elven-like ears and the fair hair. And he was definitely not delicate. Lol. I think his character will explode right then and there if I use that word to describe him.

(But you said half-breed can be identified with their pale skin, pointy ears, and fair hair)

Yes, physically. I know. I remember. Calm down and let me explain. Lol.

I used half-breed in this story as a general term to describe the humans with faie blood. But it did not necessarily mean that these half-breeds were 50% faie and 50% human. Blood is liquid, not solid, therefore it can obviously be diluted. And given that Raffe came from a long line of half-breeds (which, of course, had started with King Isam's children, the first three half-breeds) his faie blood was significantly diluted. Moreover, his mother, the late High Queen Lassen, was human; and in High King Alizade's generation, one of his siblings had married a pureblooded faie, not him.

(But how can we know that Raffe's truly a half-breed?)

Because I say so. (Lol, kidding)

Raffe doesn't have the physical attributes of a half-breed, but he's got more years in his lifespan than ordinary humans. 

Royals of Ruemri Book I: BetrothalWhere stories live. Discover now