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After a full two days of labour, we were all finally called in to meet our new baby brother. I smiled as I held my little brothers small hand, rubbing his soft skin gently as Jace and Luke showed Mother the dragon egg they had picked out for Joffery. " He's so beautiful." I smiled at Mother." Yes, he is." Ser Harwin had come in with us, as he always did whenever mother had a baby, they were close friends and he was always there for her when she needed him.

Ser Hawrin took Joffery from mother's arms and rocked him gently, joking about him being asleep in front of the Captain of the Kings Guard. " Can I hold the baby?" Luke asked, trying to pull the baby from Harwin's arms. " No, no!" Father called as he pulled the two boys by the back of their shirts." You two are going to your lessons." I laughed as my brothers groaned as Father dragged them out of the room, I smiled at my mother before standing up." I guess I should be going too.

" My sweet girl," mother called me, taking my smaller hand in hers, " I know how you feel about your legacy and what you want for your future. I felt the same way when I was a girl. I'm sorry for making you feel this way. " " It's alright, I am a princess, it's my duty to marry a high lord and give him babies so we can strengthen our house. If that means I have to let my legacy be my sons and my sewing, then I'll happily do it for our house."

" I've spoken with your father and Ser Harwin, and we've all agreed to teaching you how to defend yourself." Mother gave me a small smile. " I get to learn how to wield a sword?!" I yelled in excitement," For defence only, " Mother laughed at my excitement. " Thank you, Mother," I hugged her carefully. " You're welcome, my love. Now we have other matters to discuss. " " We do?" I asked, confused." Your name day is almost upon us, my sweet girl. We have much to plan. " " Mother, that can wait. You just had a baby, so rest. "

Mother smiled at me, stroking my cheek as she kissed my forehead, " I am truly blessed to have you as a daughter Aemma, now go to your lessons and I shall see you at dinner".

Time had come and passed, and when I opened my eyes to the bright morning sun, it was my name day. I laughed as my handmaiden tickled me as a way of getting me out of my sheets. She brushed my long white hair as she told me about the days agenda.

" Do I have time to ride Umbra?" I asked, wanting nothing more than to ride my dragon. " I'm afraid not, princess, you have a busy day."But I haven't got to ride him in days. Can't I have a quick ride?" I pleaded with my handmaiden Anni. " I said no princess, now let's go. Your family is waiting for you." Anni brushed out my brown dress before pushing me forward.

We made it to the dining hall as the breakfast was served. " Ah, Aemma," grandsire smiled as I walked into the room, calling me to his side. " Look at you, just as beautiful as your mother." He smiled, resting his hand on my cheek. " Now, I'm sure you know you have a busy day." " I do, your Grace. Anni informed me about todays agenda." " Excellent, of course a princess can't do anything without her breakfast. Sit and eat, we'll talk more later."

We all ate our breakfast, my parents talking to the King and Queen about the ball that would take place tonight. The boys all began to giggle, turning my head to see them laughing at Aemond. " Whats amusing?" I asked, trying to make my way into their conversation. It was a bore being the only girl my age in the castle, surrounded by boys. Of course, I had my aunt Healena, but she preferred the company of bugs and insects.

" It's nothing." Aemond gave me a small smile. " Aemma," Grandsire called my name, catching everyone's attention as we turned to our King. " I've had a few letters arrive these past few weeks. All from different houses of the realm. " " Father?" Mother turned to her King, confused on where he was going with this.

" Lords are requesting a betrothal, my dear. Seeking your hand in marriage to one of their sons, isn't that exciting?" He smiled at me. I felt my heart skip a beat, " But I'm too young for marriage," I spoke up, clearly confused and scared. " Of course you are, but this is for when you're older." " Father, can we discuss this later?" Mother asked with a pleading look.

" She is a princess Rhaenyra, she will be married when she comes of age." " I know that, but she is my old daughter. I do not wish to send her to a far away land." King Viserys sighed, " At least let her meet these boys first. If she doesn't like them, then we shall betroth her to Aegon." I turned to my uncle in surprise. He looked a little shocked himself but turned to me with a smile.

" Father, Aegon is much too old for her.  He is already fourteen. She has just turned eleven, " Mother argued. " She could be married to someone a lot older than that Rhaenyra." Grandsire spat at her, " Rhaenyra is right. We can discuss this later. Let us not ruin her name day. " Queen Alicent smiled at me, " You're right. " Viserys smiled at me." We can discuss it when you're older."


" If she doesn't like them, then we shall betroth her to Aegon." My heart stopped when Father said that, turning my head straight to Aemma to see her eyes widen and turn to Aegon, who gave her a smile. He doesn't deserve to marry her. She's too nice and sweet for him.

Aemma was taken away by her mother and handmaiden to prepare her for her name day ball. The rest of us were to continue our lessons as normal until we had to get ready. " I can't believe it, I actually get to marry her," Aegon grinned as we had our lesson with Ser Criston and Ser Harwin. " A betrothal has already been arranged for you?" Ser Criston asked.

" Who is the lucky lady?" Ser Hawrin asked with a smile, " Princess Aemma" Aegon grinned. Ser Criston smiled and congratulated Aegon, but Ser Harwin's face fell. " Aemma? Princess Rhaenyra has agreed to this?" He asked in disbelief. " No, Aegon is only to marry her if she doesn't like any of the other men that asked for her hand," I spoke up.

I looked down under Harwin's gaze, swinging my sword around sadly. " Why don't you offer your name?" Ser Hawrin asked, taking everyone by surprise. " Aemma wouldn't want to marry me," I sighed. " Of course she would. You two are very close." Harwin smiled at me. " Yeah, right, why would she want the second son and be a princess the rest of her life, when she can marry me and be my queen?" Aegon grinned.

" You aren't betrothed yet, Aegon. Aemond has every chance at marrying the princess as you do, " Ser Hawrin spat at him. " No, he's right. Aemma wouldn't want to marry me and be a lady. She wants to have a legacy, if she's Queen she can have that" " Exactly, I can give her that" " That's enough Aegon!" Hawrin yelled at my brother. " Get back to your lesson now. Princess Aemma wouldn't marry someone who can't protect her."

Aegon went off with Ser Criston, " Listen lad, I see how you look at the princess." " I don't know what you mean." I said, turning my head away from Ser Harwin. " I believe, if you ask your mother for her hand, she will pick you," " Why would she? What could I offer her? I don't even have a dragon."Believe in yourself. You are a prince. You have every right to ask for her hand, just as Aegon."  "

Ser Harwin leaned in and smiled at me. " Between you and me, Aegon is not fit to be with the princess. He's too cocky, he wouldn't be able to make her happy, but a friend as a husband, that is something every woman wants."

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