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Once we got to my chambers, Anni got on her knees and apologised for letting me get caught by Aemond. " I'm so sorry, princess. I put you in harms way and have angered the Queen.", " Anni, " I hushed her, kneeling in front of her. " You have done nothing wrong. I swear no harm shall come to you as long as I live." Anni looked up at me with teary eyes, I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her in for  a hug, " It will be okay, Anni, don't worry."

Anni helped me dress for the day, I chose a simple dress as I wished to walk among the people for a while. As I made my way around the castle, I was stopped by Ser Harrold. " Princess, where are you going?" He asked." I'm going to spend some time with the people, do you care to join me?" I asked. " Princess, the Queen has made it clear you are to stay inside the castle." " Three days ago, I was told to choose my brother or a northerner as my husband and I didn't. I like being with the people and speaking with them."

" I understand that princess, but we are under strict orders not to let any harm come to you." " Then be my escort. " I snapped a little." I have not the time to argue about my safety. I will be walking among the people today. That is my choice. Your choice is whether or not you join me." I spoke before turning and making my way out of the castle gates and into the Red Keep.

A small smile grew on my face when Ser Harrold stood beside me. " I bet you are really proud of yourself." He smirked at me. " I am. Now come, I can't stay too long today. I am to meet with the queen for lunch."

I greeted the people of Kings Landing as I made it to the busy city. The children ran over in excitement as some of the adults smiled and greeted me. " Your dress is so beautiful," a little girl gleamed. " Thank you, I shall inform the dress maker that you approve." ," Princess, we heard about your engagement," a woman spoke up, catching my attention. " You have our deepest apologies." " For what?" I asked, my brows furrowed slightly.

" You are to marry the one-eyed Prince. That is something we never wished for you. You deserve a better husband." A few people around her agreed. " You mean my uncle Aemond?" I asked, smiling." Of course we do. We hoped your parents would pick Cregan Stark or your brother Jacaerys." I stared at the people for a second, confused." You think my parents arranged this marriage?" I asked." Yes."

I laughed for a few moments, holding my hand over my mouth. " My apologies, I don't mean to laugh. But my parents didn't choose Ameond. I did." I informed them. " Why would you choose him, princess? He is mean and cruel. ", " Have you ever met him?", " No, but we hear the stories the servants of the castle tell.". " Aemond is a good man. Yes, he can be mean, but that isn't his fault. He grew up as the second son of the King, had his eye taken from him as a boy. Wouldn't you be angry if someone had done that to you?" I questioned them.

They all looked at each other uncomfortable, " I shall bring my uncle to meet you all. You will see he isn't as bad as he seems. Besides, it would mean a lot to me that the people of my home like my husband, he is my love after all." " You love him?" A little girl asked." Of course I do, I have loved him since I was your age. He was my best friend growing up, we had our own little secret room, we would speak for hours about our interests or nothing at all." I smiled at the little girl

" I couldn't have asked for another man to be my husband.", " He sounds nice." Some of the children smiled. " We would love to meet him." " Then I shall bring him tomorrow, unfortunately I must go I have to meet with the Queen." I said my goodbyes and made my way back to the castle. " You made Prince Aemond sound like a good man," Ser Harrold spoke up. " He is a good man. He is just lost."

" Lost?" He asked, " Tell me, Ser Harrold, growing up if your father ignored you and favoured his eldest child, would you be a Knight of the Kingsgaurd?". " I became a Knight because my father was one.", " That wasn't my question." Ser Harrold stared at me for a second before taking a breath." No, I'd probably be a thief or a drunk. " " Exactly. Aemond was neglected, but because he is a prince, he threw himself into his studies and fighting skills as a way of adapting that missing piece of himself."

" Missing piece?" ," He didn't get enough attention from his father, and his mother was worried about Heleana as she is her only daughter, and Aegon as he is a drunk. However, his teachers and Ser Criston praised him for his skills and knowledge. Therefore, he was getting the attention he never received." ," I never noticed that before," Ser Harrold mumbled, " No one has except for me. I have been by Aemonds' side since we were children."

I turned to Ser Harrold, " I was the one who saw him cry, saw him weak, and saw how much pain he was in. I am the only one who ever saw every side of Aemond. And when he lost his eye, he grew angry. Now the people call him the one-eyed Prince, cruel, mean all from his anger that has built up over the years." " That is why you chose him?" Ser Harrold asked, " No Ser. That is why I love him."

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