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We all travelled home the next morning. Everyone was incredibly silent after the previous night's events. " How is your arm?" Mother asked, kneeling down in front of me. Her large hand turned my arm, exposing my scar. " It hurts," I whispered. " We shall see if the maester can give you anything when we arrive home."

" Why did you help him?" Jace asked, everyone turning their attention to him. " Because it was the right thing to do," I spoke up, " You turned your back on your family!" He yelled, " No!" I yelled back. " I was stopping my family from fighting. Yes, it is awful that Aemond took Vhagar from Rhaena, but that didn't give you the right to attack him. Vhagar was for Rhaena to claim!" " And Aemond somehow claimed her first!" I yelled back at my brother.

" I agree what Aemond did was wrong, but the four of you attacking him, and taking his eye was horrid! I tried to stop the fighting because we all belong to the same house! Dragons are stronger together if we fight amongst ourselves, then our house will fall. "  Tears began to fall down my cheeks, " I just wanted the fighting to stop." Mother pulled me into a tight hug, " It's okay, my love, it's okay. "

It was never the same after that day, the day of Laena's funeral, the day Aemond claimed Vhagar. Everything just seemed to get worse and worse.

I ran as fast as I could to the courtyard, throwing my arms around Ser Hawrin. " Please say it's not true," I begged, " I'm sorry, Princess, but it is true. I'll be leaving soon to Harrenhal. " " You promised you would teach me to defend myself! You can't leave until you do, you promised!" I cried. Ser Hawrin pulled me into a tight hug, " I promise I will come back soon and teach you everything I know." " Why do you have to go?" I cried, looking up at the dark-haired man.

" It might be easier on your mother and brothers if I go for a while. Besides, you will have Ser Criston to help you while I'm gone." Harwin stroked my cheek and gave me a kiss on the head." I am very proud of the woman you are becoming Aemma, and don't let anyone tell you any different." My heart broke as I watched him walk away, leaving me for who knows how long. I ran as fast as I could to my chambers, leaning against a railing on my balcony as I watched him and his travelling party ride off from the city.

My mother was clearly very upset when Ser Hawrin had left, though she refused to show it in front of us. It wasn't long till we heard the horrible news that Ser Hawrin had died in a house fire not long after he had reached his home. My mother was distraught, and I ended up spending all of my free time with my mother.

Then, the worst day of my life happened.

My father had travelled to Driftmark and was murdered.

My mother had called all of us to her chambers, sitting us all on the couch that sat in her room. Her face was red, her eyes looked irritated, and I knew something had happened. " I don't know how to tell you this," she cried, " Your father has been killed," she spoke quickly. " In his travels to Driftmark, he was killed by a man," she sobbed.

My lilac eyes widened at her words, jumping to my feet as I refused to believe what she had said. " No, why would you say that? Father is alive and well. He told me he would be back in a few days. " Tears began falling down my cheeks as I stared at my mother. " Aemma," she tried to hug me, but I stepped back. " My father isn't dead!" I yelled." He would never break a promise to me." " Aemma, my sweet girl, please listen," my mother tried to talk to me. " No!" I yelled before I ran out of her room .

I ran and ran until I ran into someone and stared up at them in fright. " Aemma! Are you alright?" My eyes laid upon Aemond. " Aemond!" I sobbed as I threw my arms around him. " What happened? Why are you crying?" " He's dead!" I spoke through my hysterical crying. " My father's dead!" Aemond wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace. " Aemma, I am so sorry." " Why does this keep happening?! Every time someone promises to come back to me, they die! What curse has been placed upon me!".

" You are not cursed, I promise you." " Then why, why does everyone I love leave me?". "I won't leave you," Aemond spoke up. I looked up at my uncle, his face red as his one eye was wide in shock with his own words. I felt my own face flush in embarrassment, " I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." He rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed, " Go be with your family, Aemma. If you want to talk, then meet me in our usual spot. " He smiled before walking away.

There was no body for a funeral, so we had a small service for my father at the beach. My mother held my brothers in close as they mourned their father. I thankfully had Aemond to talk to, so he had helped me through my grief since the news had broken.

I stood forward, turning to my beautiful dragon, Umbra. Her dark red scales shined in the sunlight as she stood not too far away on a hill above us. " Dracarys!" I yelled to my dragon, watching carefully as she came forward and burned the wood and personal items we had brought for my father's service.

Aemond stood forward and placed a hand on my shoulder, I looked up at my uncle. Face pink and eyes teary, giving him a small smile, silently thanking him for his support. Once the fire had stopped and there was nothing but the smoke from my dragon's breath, my mother called us to her side so we could walk back to the castle with her.

" What was that?" Mother asked quietly, " What was what?" I asked, confused. " Between you and Aemond." " Aemond has been so helpful to me over these last few days," I smiled. " He has spoken to me through my grief. He has been the best support. " I smiled, my mother giving me a small smile, but there was fear and panic in her eyes.

My uncle soon came to visit King's Landing, helping my mother through her grief and helping the king by being on his best behaviour.

It had been almost a week of my uncle visiting when my mother called us to her chambers. We all entered her room and were surprised to see my uncle speaking with her. Their hushed whispers stopped when my uncle saw us enter, grabbing my mother's arm as a way of telling her we were here. My mother turned to us and smiled, " You wanted to see us?" I spoke up first, " Yes, we have some news to share. " Mother turned to Uncle Daemon with a smile.

" We're getting married," Daemon announced, " Grandsire has blessed this?" I asked, confused. Knowing the history of my uncles seduction with my mother, " " Yes, but we must leave to Dragonstone, " mother spoke up. My heart shattered. " What? But Kings Landing is our home." " I know, but Daemon is still not permitted to be here." " When do we leave?" Jace asked, standing forward and taking over the conversation. " Three days, that shall give each of you enough time to pack and say your goodbyes to your family" " As you wish" Jace bowed to our mother and told us all to start packing.

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