Thirty One

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The next morning, a new hand maiden helped bathe and prepare me for my wedding. She braided my hair perfectly into a bun on the back of my head. She helped me into my beautiful white dress and helped me into my white shoes before placing a small silver tiara on my head.

I turned to look in the mirror, my nerves taking control of my breathing as I began to panic. " Princess, are you alright?" The new hand maiden asked." Yes, I'm just nervous. " I smiled, " You will be perfect today Princess, you have no need to be so scared. Everyone in the castle sees how in love Prince Aemond is." " Really?" I asked, slowly starting to feel the nervousness disappear. " Of course, Princess, we have never seen Prince Aemond so content and happy." I smiled at that information, but I knew it wasn't just getting married that made me nervous. It was everything that had happened last night. My parents were going to make Jace rape me, and it hurt more than anything else in this world.

" There, now you are ready." The servant girl smiled at me. " I shall fetch the Queen so we can begin the celebrations." I nodded and watched as the girl left. Once the door was closed, I grabbed my chest. I wanted to cry thinking about what had happened last night, but I couldn't let it ruin my day. Today, I was telling my parents they had no control over me. No matter what they tried to do to hurt me, I was still standing and fighting.

The doors opened, and I turned, seeing Queen Alicent in an elegant green dress, her hair beauty braided. " Aemma, you are breathtaking," she smiled, coming closer to me. " You truly are a princess.". " Thank you, your grace." I smiled." Is everything ready?" I asked." Of course. Rhaenyra will come to get you so you can walk into the throne room and be announced as Aemonds bride. We will have our feast and celebrations, and then the ceremony will be held.".

I nodded. " I can't wait."." You are tense. What's wrong?". " I'm nervous, I don't think my mother is coming to present me with my family. We had a big fight last night. I told her she had no daughter.". " Oh, Aemma, whatever fight it was, it doesn't matter now. You are Rhaenyra's only daughter. She would never miss the day you got married, nor any of her children.".

" The Queen is right." I turned my head in surprise when Mother walked into my chambers with my family. " May we have a few moments, your grace?" " Of course, I will see you all in the hall.". Alicent turned and left, closing the door behind her. I stared at my mother, shaking in fear as my father stepped closer. " You look beautiful, Aemma. The dress suits you.". Father smiled.

" We sat down and talked last night after the incident. I am so sorry, Aemma. I don't know why I thought if Jace hurt you, then you'd stay with us. I just can't say goodbye to you.". Mother took my arms gently. " My gorgeous girl, the daughter I so desperately wanted so I could name her after my mother.". Mother smiled as tears began to fall down her cheeks. " I am so sorry I hurt you, I am so sorry I tried to get Jace to hurt you. I should never have done it. I didn't want to lose my only daughter, and I pushed you away myself.".

I cried as I stared at my mother in tears. " I will fulfil your wish. We will present you to Aemond, and once you are wed, we will leave back to Dragonstone, and you will never hear from us again.". " No," I cried. " I do not wish for you all to dissappear from my life. What I said, I said, was out of anger and fear. I was so scared last night, mother. I was so afraid I sat on the floor and cried for so long. I didn't think my own family would hurt me the way you did.".

Lucerys stared at me, confused. " I want you in my life. I want to share my life with you but what you did. Bringing Jace in here to hurt me, I will never understand why you did it.". " I thought if you married Jace, you be stay with me forever. I'd see you go through your marriage, your pregnancies, and your babes. I wanted you to stay with me, the way I wished I could have stayed with my mother.".

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