Twenty Eight

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I groaned as my mother shook me awake, I turned to lie on my back. My lilac eyes fluttered open to meet my mother's as she gave me a warm smile.

" Good morning." I smiled. " Good morning, Aemma. Come, we must prepare for court today." " Yes, mother. " I sat up and instantly noticed Anni giving me a dirty look as she filled my bath for me.

I stood from my bed and stretched my back before I pulled my nightgown from my body and sank into the hot water of my bath. " Mother, would you be so kind and get us some tea? I'd love to have some time with you while I dress." I gave her a smile." Of course, my love, I shall send my hand to fetch it for us."

Once mother had left the room, I turned to Anni, " My apologies for last night Anni. But I could not let you ruin my wedding." ," You are not yet married," she spat. " I was wed last night in front of the gods." I raised my voice to her. " Did Aegon hurt you?" I asked

" No, he didn't lay a finger on me.", " Good, I'd have to remove the finger that touched you if he did." Anni turned to look at me, my eyes already watching her. " You have been a kind friend to me for the last ten years, Anni. You have cared for me since I was a girl, why the sudden change?".

" You are a princess. You have every man in the world begging for your hand, yet you choose the cruel one-eyed prince. The man who left you starving in your chambers for a fortnight and made you find comfort from your brother. Your name is being tarnished because you let your brother bury himself between your legs, all because of that man."

I stared at Anni in surprise, " You do not like Aemond?" " After what he has done to you? No princess, I do not. I wish for you to marry a good man, a man who will provide for you. I wished for you to marry Lord Stark." I broke out in a smile at that " Ser Cregan? Why?" ," I thought he suited you best."

" The man makes me feel like a child. He is so tall and muscular. ", " He could please you, princess." Anni gave a cheeky grin." You know what they say about the Stark men." I laughed at Anni's statement, which she returned as my mother and her hand maiden came into my room.

" What is so amusing in here?" She asked with a smile." Nothing, mother, we were just talking." I smiled. As my mother turned to help make us tea, I took Anni's hand in mine. " I love you dearly Anni, you and Aegon are the only people who know of our marriage. Do not betray me." I whispered, giving her a hard stare before she continued to wash me.

Mother had me dress appropriately, a long dress from my wardrobe. The corset of the dress was red leather with two silver dragons climbing up my shoulders as their tails followed the curve of my breasts. The skirt was black leather, small imprints on it to make it look like dragon scales.

" You look beautiful," Mother smiled as Anni finished braiding a bun to the back of my head. I was brushing out the rest of my long white hair, so it fell elegantly on my shoulders.

" She looks like a true Targaryen," Father smiled as he came into the room. " I can feel the power flowing from her." " Father, " I smiled." Come, court will not wait for us, and I'm sure my brother won't be able to sit for long on the Iron Throne."

I held fathers arm as the three of us walked to court. Everyone was already in the courtroom waiting for us.

I bowed to my grandsire and smiled up at him. His old eyes stared at me as he smiled back at me with a proud expression on his face. " Aemma," he smiled at me, " my king."

" I hear there are complications in your betrothal. What seems to be the problem?". " I wish to wed Aemma to my son, Jacaerys. Father." Mother spoke up." Why? I thought Jacaerys was to wed Baela?" He groaned in confusion.

" There are some....complications father," Mother spoke carefully. " Complications that wouldn't sit well if she were to marry Aemond.", " What complications?" I could tell grandfather was getting annoyed at mothers' choice of words.

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