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The King had requested the whole family have dinner that night, Lucerys  was still upset about the whole thing while I was still shaken up from the words Lord Vaemond had whispered in my ear. If it wasn't for my father, who knows what else he would have spoken to me.

Mother helped me get ready instead of Anni, wanting to stay with me after everything that had happened that morning. " That should do," she smiled, finishing up my hair. The braid she had done was just like hers, my hair braided around my crown, then tied in the back, the rest of my white hair flowing down my back.

My dress was deep red, small black detailing along my skirts and top. It had a slit on either side of the skirt, exposing my legs slightly. The top half of my dress was tight. It pressed against my chest, my breasts slightly pushed up as it showed off my shoulders and collar bones. The sleeves were the same as the rest of my dress in colour, but that too had slits, exposing my arms to the cool air.

" How is Lucerys?" I asked." He is shaken up, but he will be alright. How are you feeling, sweet girl?" " Like Lucerys, but I'll be okay. Men whispering vile things is something I'm almost used to.  Men can be vile, my sweet girl. That is why we will find you a good man."  " I know we will." I smiled." Come, we should make our way to the dining hall."

We stepped inside the hall, seeing everyone was sitting in their seats, " Rhaenyra, you are to sit here next to Daemon. Aemma, you are to sit next to Aemond." " Why is my daughter to sit so far from my side?" Mother asked, " I don't know. It's just how Viserys asked me to sit everyone." I smiled at my mother before making my way to Aemond.

Aemond stood up and pulled my chair out for me, " Thank you, uncle." He gave me a small smile as I sat down and pushed my chair in for me. " Might we have a word later, in our old room?" He whispered. " Of course." We stood up in respect as King Viserys slowly made his way into the room, sitting down in his chair, panting for breath. We all sat down and waited for the King to speak, all of us wondering what he had called us all here for.

King Viserys looked at us carefully, pulling his golden mark from his head and showing us the horrors beneath. " It is so nice to have my family back together again. It has been too long." Viserys took a deep breath, a wave of sadness taken over his face."I shouldn't have let our family break apart, I should have stopped the wedge that was growing between us. Can we move on? Let the past be in the past and move on as a family?" Viserys looked around the table with a pleading look.

" Dragons stand stronger together," I spoke up, my grandfather smiling at me. " Our house will be stronger together", everyone around the table agreed to leave the past in the past before Queen Alicent asked if we should say a prayer before we feast. I held my hands together and listened as she said a prayer, jumping slightly at the cold fingers that grazed against the warmth of my leg.

I turned my head slightly, Aemond had his head down and eye closed, a small smirk on his lips as he slowly raised his fingers further up my leg. I caught my father looking at us out of the corner of my eye, his face stern as he stared Aemond down, a look of warning and threat.

Jace suddenly slammed his fist on the table, catching everyone's attention. Jace stood up and raised his glass. " To my uncles, we haven't seen each other in some time, but the memories I have of our youth together brings back so much happiness. May we stay strong together now and in our future." Everyone clapped, then Heleana stood up." To Baela and Rhaena, you will both be married soon. It is not so bad, mostly, he just ignores you. May you have happy marriages. " We all clapped again

We all began to eat our feast when the King had an announcement, " It is a pleasure to announce, my grandson Prince Jacaerys will be wed to Lady Baela, Prince Lucerys will be wed to Lady Rhaena." Everyone clapped for the couples, and I couldn't help but feel so proud of my brothers and sisters.

" Tomorrow, we shall find a suitable husband for my beautiful granddaughter." I smiled. " I'm sure we will find a good one, your grace." " I have been informed that there is a man here who wishes for your hand." I looked at my grandfather in confusion. " Here? What do you mean?" " It has come to our attention that our son wishes for your hand in marriage princess," Queen Alicent spoke for the King.

I turned my head to Ageon in confusion, but he looked at me with the same look. " It wasn't me." " It was Aemond," King Viserys spoke up. I turned to Aemond in surprise, I never thought he would ask his mother or father for my hand. " However, it is too late to stop the ball. It will happen tomorrow night on your name day ball. There, you will be courted by the men of the realm and choose a husband." 

Jace stood up and made his way over to our aunt Healena, taking her hand and walking to a empty space in the room, dancing with her. She smiled and laughed as Jace danced with her, a sight I had not seen since she was a girl. She looked so happy. King Viserys beamed at the two in joy, laughing as they jumped around together.

King Viserys let out a pained groan, " Take him to his chambers and give him milk of the poppy" Queen Alicent ordered, watching carefully as the guards helped the King out of the room. The servants had come into the room and cleared the first course from the table, setting down the main course, a big being placed in front of Aemond. Jace and Luke let out small laughs as they stared at him, " Aemond, don't let it get to you" I whispered.

Aemond slammed his fist on the table and stood up, raising his cup, " One last toast, to my niece." Aemond started, turning to me and smiling down at me. " I do not know how tomorrow evening shall go, but know I have loved you since we were children" I felt my heart race at Aemonds confession, my cheeks heating up as everyone in the room stared at us. " You will always be the woman I want, and I hope tomorrow you choose me." Aemond turned to my brothers." To my newphews, handsome, wise" He paused.

Everyone stared at Aemond in silence, begging him not to say what we all thought he was going to say. " Strong." Everyone stared at Aemond in shock at what he had said. " I dare you to say that again," Jace warned our uncle. Aemond turned to Jace. " Why? Do you not think yourself, Strong?" Aemond teased before Jace punched him across the face. Lucerys stood up to defend his brother, but Aegon grabbed him and slammed his head into the table.

Daemon stood up and gave my siblings a warning look, I stood in front of Aemond before he could take another step toward my brothers. Aemond gave me a small smile. " Aemma-" His eye went wide, I had struck him as hard as I could. Everyone in the room went silent, staring at us to see how Aemond would react. " Touch my brothers again, and I will do far worse," I threatened.

Aemond didn't say a word, " Go to your chambers now, I do not wish to see your face for the rest of the night" Aemond let out a huff before storming out of the hall. " Aemma," Jace began to speak. " All of you!" I spat, turning to the three boys. " If you four can not sit and eat in peace, then you do not deserve to sit at our table. All of you petty princes to your chambers, now."

Aegon slowly stalked out of the room, my brothers following in silence as they closed the door behind them. Everyone turned to me in surprise. " How did you do that?" Mother asked." They just need a firm hand, as for you. " I turned to my family. Mostly to my mother and the Queen " You have passed your petty fued to your sons, if you aren't careful there will be war. Fix it before it gets out of hand, I am sick of them fighting."

I turned to the servants next. " My apologies for wasting so much beautiful food. Share it amongst yourselves, then share it with whoever needs food in the Red Keep." " Thank you, princess," they all bowed before clearing the table, " Fix this wedge between you before it breaks whatever little strength you have left."

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