Twenty Six

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I stared down at the dirty table, desperately trying to make an excuse for Aegons words, but I couldn't. " He is my brother," I mumbled. " Don't hold it against him," Aegon spoke up. " Your parents probably have something over his head. I know Jace, I know he would never do anything to hurt his siblings."

" What do I do now?" I asked in some sort of desperate attempt for advice. " Drink and hope this problem becomes resolved in your favour.", " Aegon," Aemond snapped at his older brother. " You can't scare her like this and tell her the only way to escape is to drink. She isn't you.", " No, you're right, brother."

Aegon turned to me with a small smile. " You have already been claimed by Jacaerys, and since our father favours our older sister, you will more than likely be given to Jace as Rhaenyra and her children can do no wrong." I stared at Aegon as he smiled." So tonight may very well be the last time you spend with us, especially Aemond, before you are doomed to live a life pinned to a bed, taking your husbands cock for the remainder of your day's."

Aemond suddenly grabbed Aegons throat. " Speak to her like that again, and I will gut you like the pathetic Targaryen you are," He growled. " I await for the day you fulfil that threat, brother, for now, drink your wine and shut your mouth. We all know there is nothing we can do to make Aemma be your wife. If father is in charge of who claims her, you know it will be Jace."

I took Aemonds arm, forcing him to look down at me. " Aemond let him go, Aegon is a drunken fool, yes, but he always tells the truth. There is nothing we can do until court tomorrow, so let us enjoy what little time we might have left together."

Aemond dropped Aegon and gently grabbed my face, holding me against his chest. " I wish I had never left your side. This is all my fault.", " The fault lies with me, I should never have been intimate with my brother. I was just so angry and hurt, " I sighed." I wasn't thinking, and now I may have ruined our plan to marry."

" I care not what the court announces tomorrow, even if you have to marry that bastard. You will still be mine. " " What do you mean?" I asked. " I mean, I shall bed you, I will pleasure you in every aspect in life. I will give you my children, my heart, and my life because there is no other woman for me in this world."

" Aemond." ," Let us wed, tonight," my eyes widened. " You can't be serious. The kingdom would have our heads for treason." ," They can have my head, but they will not take you from me.", " Aemond, I love you, truly I do, but what you suggest....the King wouldn't be happy."

" Fuck the King and fuck this kingdom." Aemond yelled out " None of it means shit if I can't have you, so Aemma Targaryen will you marry me tonight?" I stared at Aemond with wide eyes. I wasn't sure what to say at all.

I stared deeply into his lilac eye and could see his desperation and his hope. If I say no, my excuse could be I will pick him tomorrow in front of our fathers, in front of the courts and the gods but who knows if they would even listen to me.

What if I was wrong and Aegon was right? What if the King gives me to Jace? Aegon is right when he says the King favours my mother above all else in this world. So if this is my last chance to be with Aemond, then maybe I should take it.

" What if we fight? Will you take Vaghar and run off again?" I asked, I needed to know his answer to this question. I couldn't be in a marriage where Aemond would run off every time he wasn't happy.

" I will never leave your side again, Aemma. I vow to you here and now. You are my one priority in this world, and I will never abandon you again. I swear it."

" Yes," I answered. " I will marry you, Aemond." Aemond grabbed my face and pressed his lips against mine as a big smile spread across his face. " But where will we be married? Don't we need someone from the high Sept to marry us?" I asked.

" You leave that to me, I will sort everything out for us. I will return you to your chambers and plan everything. I will leave a letter under your chamber door before the sun rises so we can marry as the new day begins."

" Come, Aegon, you will help me," Aemond turned to his brother. " My only wish is to be drunk and in peace.", " You shall drink all you want once we have everything planned, now come before I pour that wine down your trousers."

Aemond carefully guided us back through the Red Keep and safely delivered me back to my chamber door. " I will leave you here, get some rest."

I grabbed Aemonds arm before he could walk away. " I love you, Aemond." I stared into his eye as I had a war inside my head. " I love you too, Aemma," he smiled. " Do you truly mean that?" I asked. " Of course I do." " Even if something were to come out about me? Would you still wish for me to be your wife?".

Aemond stared down at me with a confused look. " Of course, I will love you no matter what. What's wrong?" He asked. I took Aemonds hands and took a deep breath . Aemond before we are to marry I must tell you something." Aemond looked at me, showing me he was giving me his full attention.

" I'm a bastard." My heart was racing so rapidly I thought it might jump straight out of my chest. Aemond stared at me before he shook his head. " What?" He asked.

" I'm a bastard Aemond. Ser Laenor wasn't my father." Aemond didn't say anything, which made me even more nervous." My father  is Prince Daemon." I couldn't meet Aemond in the eye, speaking to him as I stared at our hands.

" I know I should have told you this sooner, but I was scared you would want nothing to do with me. But I can't keep this lie from you. If you wish not to marry me, I understand."

After a few seconds of silence, I slowly lifted my head up to meet Aemonds eye. " I already knew." "What?" I asked in shock. " It is quite obvious you are not Ser Laenor's child, but I am surprised you are Daemon's. I never thought my sister was that bold."

" You'll still marry me?", " Of course I will," Aemond held my face gently. " I love you more than anything. Yes, you were born a bastard but your parents are wed now." Aemonds thumb gently caressed my pale skin." Bastard or no, you will be my wife tonight, Aemma."

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