Twenty One

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The next morning, I woke up to my doors hitting off the walls. I jumped up in my bed, confused when my dad stormed over to me, and grabbed my head. " Are you hurt? Did they touch you?" He asked, examining me for any injuries. " No." I shook my head, and my father grabbed my chin, seeing the cut on my mouth. " Aemma," my mother called my name, rushing into my room and sitting on my bed.

" What happened? We got a letter saying you were attacked." " She was" Queen Alicent and Otto Hightower came into the room, " Two men attempted to rape her last night, but she wasn't harmed. The guards got to her before they could do anything." Father turned to me." I want to hear what happened to you."

I told my parents what had happened, my mother holding me against her in a tight hug as my father stood up and turned to the Queen. " You let two strange men break this far into the castle and humiliate my daughter? If she didn't scream, what would have happened?" ," She would have been raped by two men." Otto spat at my father. " And I would have had your head for it.", " The princess is unharmed Daemon, the worst thing that happened to her was humiliation."

" Humiliation?" Father asked, turning to Otto with a smirk." How about I tear your daughters clothes off and fondle her breasts? " Father spat. " How would you feel then?" " Dameon, " Mother warned him. " Believe it or not, your daughter actually killed one of the men who attacked her. The other is in the dungeons waiting for you to question him." " Why should I question him?" Father asked, " I assumed you would want to be the one to speak with him, maybe hurt him a little for what he did to your daughter?".

Father smirked. " Show me where the bastard is," Father followed Otto out of the room as the Queen turned to my mother. " Forgive us, Rhaenyra. we have doubled the guards since the attack. Nothing like this will happen under our watch again.", " It isn't your fault, but I will let Daemon handle this. He is furious.". The Queen nodded. " Might you excuse us, your grace? So I might help Aemma dress for the day?", " Of course," Alicent gave a small smile and left, closing the doors behind her.

" I'm sorry you had to rush here, Mother," I apologised, getting out from my bed and following her to the couch in my room. " You don't need to be sorry, my sweet girl. We were already on our way. I'm just happy you are safe." Mother picked up my hair brush and gently brushed it through my hair, " Now that I'm here, I can help you with your wedding, I'm very excited to help you with your dress.", " I'm excited too, I didn't want to plan it until you arrived."

Mother tied my corset around my body before helping me dress in a red dress with small jewels around it. The dress sat off my shoulders, exposing the top of my breasts and up the beautiful summer sun. Mother did two braids on each side of my head and left the rest of my hair down in waves. Once she was done, she smiled and kissed my head. " You are so beautiful, my sweet girl. Come let us have some breakfast before we start our planning."

We held each others arms as we make chit chat on our way to the hall for breakfast. The guards opened the doors for us, the Royal family within staring at us as we entered. " Aemma!" Luke yelled as he rose from his seat and ran to me, holding me tight." I'm so glad you're safe." I smiled and held my little brother in the hug, stroking his hair gently." Of course I'm alright. Those six years of training would be for nothing if I wasn't."

" When father told us what happened, we were so worried." I smiled down at my little brother. He was always a worrier. " There is no need to worry about me, Luke. I'm safe.", " Aemma," Jace Rose next and pulled me in for a hug. " Come, you must sit and eat with us." ," Yes, our cousins are so much joy to be around," Baela rolled her eyes as Aegon drank from his cup with a smile.

I sat down beside Aemond, giving him a smile as he stared at me. I put some food on my plate and slowly began to eat, noticing Aemonds eye still on me. " Are you alright?" I asked, turning to him. " You are so beautiful," He mumbled. I felt myself blush at his words, not expecting him to be so upfront. " I know our little niece is a beauty brother, but never in my years did I think a woman's beauty would make you speechless." Aegon laughed.

The doors to the room opened again, Father coming in with the Queen and Otto not too far behind him. " Don't worry, Aemma, I have handled our situation and have sent some men to do our bidding." Father smiled." You can not do this, Daemon. It would cause a war with House Strong." The Queen argued. " The prince has sent some men to murder a bastard woman in Harrenhal." Otto spoke up. " A bastard woman?" I asked, confused.

" The man in the dungeons. He said it was a woman named Alys who ordered your assassination." Father sat beside my mother, picking at some fruit. " Why would some bastard woman want me dead?" ," That doesn't  matter. If Daemon goes through with this, House Strong will come for our throats." Otto argued. " Then I will go with my men and explain to Lord Strong why this woman will die."

I turned to Aemond, whose eye was wide, " Aemond?" I asked, concerned at his expression. Aegon suddenly started laughing, grabbing onto the table in hysterics. " What is so funny?" Queen Alicent yelled. " Is her name Alys Rivers?" " Yes, " Otto answered. Aegon began to laugh even harder, " I think I know why she wants our dear niece dead.", " Well spit it out then."

" My dear brother, of course, on his last visit to Harrenhal, he told me he spelt with a bastard woman by the name of Alys Rivers. He then informed me that the girl was crazy and was obsessed with him. So she must have found out about Aemonds engagement to Aemma.". Everyone turned to Aemond in surprise, he wasn't one for whores or bedding with random women. " You fucked the girl?" I asked him, my chest tight as I awaited his answer.

" I did, for one night I bought her, and she has been obsessed with me since." I stared at Aemond in confusion and denial. " Do you sleep with many whores?" " What? No, of course not. She's the only one.". " We can send a raven to Lord Strong and inform him of the situation, let him sort it as a warning." Otto spoke up. "It's better than going to Harrenhal and murdering a girl."

I couldn't keep my eyes off of Aemond, I was disappointed in him. He never wanted to be the type of Prince that bed whores. I know it was only one, but now she was trying to kill me so she could have him. I rose from my seat and made my way out of the hall, walking away as quickly as I could, not wanting to be in Aemonds presence right now.

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