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Aemonds POV

I stared out at the sea of men who dared step foot in the Red Keep to court Aemma. " You seem tense," Aegon grinned at me. " I'm sure your fork doesn't deserve to be strangled." I dropped my fork on the table." Why do you care, brother?" I spat, knowing full well Aegon was enjoying this. " I wish to see my little brother happy. You and I both know none of these Lords will take Aemma. She's too feisty for them to handle. " I shot a glance at Aegon, a sort of warning for him to stop speaking.

" I'm just as upset as you Aemond, if mother hadn't married me to Heleana, it would be me. Can you imagine it, brother?" Aegon asked with a hum. " The feeling of her perfect skin against yours, her breasts in your hands as you fuck her with a hard cock" " Enough" I spat at him " I will not have you disrespect her". Before Aegon could open his mouth again, the doors to the hall opened.

All eyes fell to Aemma, who stood staring at the room. My eye examined her, how revealing her dress was. Her stomach exposed, her breasts just covered enough to pass as respectful. The dress suited her well. My hand tightened to a fist as I felt my cock harden in my pants. " My my, it seems our niece has a lot to offer." " Aegon," I warned him. " I would very much like to taste her before she is wed." " Aegon, that is enough." Mother spat at him, shutting him up completely.

We feasted in silence, the feeling of dread looming over me as she stood to greet the Lords of Westeros with my sister and Mother. The first to speak with her was Lord Stark and his eldest son. Seeing her smile as she spoke to him, promising a walk alone with him, in that dress, I won't have it.

Then, the Ser Kit of House Arryn stood forward, taking her by surprise. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but she seemed happy to be in his presence, which made the fit the anger grow inside me. Once she had finished greeting the Lords, I couldn't help but look at her, taken by surprise when I saw her eyes were already on me. She spoke something to my mother, who gave me a sorrowful look as she responded.

I stood to speak with her when future Lord Cregan Stark took her attention, then her hand and I watched as they left the hall together. I slammed my fist on the table, making my way down the steps, my mother grabbing my arm as I walked past her. " Aemond," she called, I turned my head slightly to show her I was listening.

" Leave them be. She has the right to choose who her husband will be. " , " I'm not going to disrupt her courtship, Mother. I'm going to train." ," Not while you are emotional.", " I am not emotional." I gave my mother a small smile, " You need not worry about me, Mother, I shall be respectful whilst our guests are here" I pulled my arm from her grip and made my way out of the hall.

I watched Aemma and Cregan from a distance, being careful so they would not take any notice of me. They spoke of their houses, and families even laughed together as they spoke about Aemma taking up a sword. I hid behind the trees as they stared at our weirwood tree, laughing at a joke they had made before they suddenly turned the conversation serious.

Cregan told her he would not bribe her for her hand, and then he kissed her. I slammed my fist against the hard bark of the tree as I watched. His hand held her face as their lips moved in a soft motion. They slowly pulled away, a smile on her face as they said their farewells.

She will not be taken from me

Aemma's POV

Mother had her hand maiden helped me dress for my ball, giving Anni time off until her burns had healed. My white hair braided in two and connected at the back, slightly curled as the rest flowed freely. My red dress with gold features held my figure nicely.

The door to my chambers opened, my mother and father smiling proudly as they saw me. " You look breathtaking," Father smiled, taking my hand. " You've grown so much." " My sweet girl," Mother smiled, kissing my head. " You are beautiful." Where is everyone else?" I asked, noticing my brothers and sisters weren't with them.

" They are awaiting our arrival  at the hall doors, as instructed," Father spoke up." " We wished to speak with you alone before you are whipped away for the night." Mother gave a small smile. " We will support any man you choose," she nodded at me. " But please think carefully of whom you choose." " We wish not for you to be half a world away from us" my mother's eyes swelled with tears.

" I would never leave my family." I smiled to reassure her, " Any man I choose will be with my heart and for my family. I would not disrespect my family name and house. Nor do I wish to upset you, mother." " I'm not upset, sweet girl, I am emotional" my mother laughed. " My only daughter shall change her life tonight, and I do not wish to see her go. It is a conflict I have within myself."

I hugged my mother tight, " I would never leave you, mother, father." I turned to Daemon. " I will make you proud tonight." " You always do, " Father smiled, kissing my cheek." Now let's get this over it, " we laughed, our emotions making us teary-eyed.

We made our way to the throne room doors, guards placed evenly down the hallway, the noise of the excited guests echoed from behind the large doors. Jace was the first to spot me. " Aemma," he smiled, kissing my hand. " You look beautiful." " Thank you, Jace." I smiled, my sisters Baela and Rhaena complimented my dress as Lucerys turned to me. He had a sorrowful look in his eye. " You look beautiful, Aemma."

I caressed Lucerys face gently, " My dear little brother, what troubles you?" I asked, a gentle look on my face. " I can't stop thinking about court, how vicious Lord Vaemond spoke. He called us bastards, our mother a whore. How he spoke to you, " Lucerys sighed, " How he spoke about -" " Enough. " I gave him a gentle smile. " None of that was your fault, Lord Vaemond was always a power-hungry man. I remember how he used to shout about our father being Lord of the Tides after Lord Corlys."

" But what if all of this is my fault? What if I was never meant to be Lord of the Tides?", "You will be a just Lord, if you care for your people half as much as you care for your family, then you will do a magnificent job." I kissed Lucerys head and gave him a smile." Have I ever stirred you wrong before?" " No," Lucerys answered. " Then take my word for it, I will be proud of the day I get the pledge myself to you and Jace. I will gladly bend the knee to both of you."

Lucerys pulled me into a tight hug, " Thank you, Aemma," " I will always be here for you, Luke. Always remember that." " Might we a quiet word alone?" Mother asked the guards. They all bowed to us before walking further down the hall and out of earshot from us.

" We don't have much time, and we must say this quickly," Mother whispered. " If anyone should betray our secrets tonight, play dumb. All of you" Father warned us " Let your mother and I take the fall, but you all must act the part or we will all suffer the consequences, do you understand?"" Yes," we all agreed. " But what is this about?" I questioned." If it happens, then you will know. If not, we will discuss it later as a family. For now, we must play our part and act normal. "

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