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I helped my hand maiden pack my things, leaving two dresses in my wardrobe as I would need them for my last two days in Kings Landing. As we packed in silence, my chamber doors swung open, scaring us both as they hit the wall. I turned in fright, Aemond standing there. " Is it true!?" He yelled, making his way into my room. " Prince Aemond, the princess is busy." Anni tried to scowled him. " It's alright, Anni, leave us," I ordered and watched as she left the room, closing the doors behind her.

My uncle stared at me, waiting for me to answer his question. " It's true, my family and I leave for Dragonstone in three days time". " How could you? I thought we promised never to leave each other. " I stared at Aemond in surprise. " You think I wish to go with them? I argued that this was my home. " " Yet they still drag you off, away from me?" Aemond huffed. " Aemond, please, believe my words when I say this is not what I want. I would wish nothing more than to stay here, to be here with -" " With?" Aemond asked. My older uncle stared at me. " With you," I whispered.

" I may only be eleven, but I know I feel something special towards you, uncle." " I feel it too," He hummed, his fingers grazing the ends of my hair. " That is why I won't let them take you." " I have to go Aemond. My mother does not trust the Queen." " Yes, the night I lost my eye ruined whatever relationship they had." " I promise, I will write to you, as often as I can." " Then I shall await your letters, my lady. " Aemond smiled at me.

The three days had come so quickly, Daemon had our dragons brought to Dragonstone by their carrers earlier in the morning as we would have to travel by ship. King Viserys, Queen Alicent, their children, and a small party of people had come to see us off. King Viserys hugged each of us and wishing us the best, telling us to come visit. " We will visit grandsire," Jace promised. " And we will write to you." I smiled, hugging my grandfather. He let out a small chuckle as he hugged me back, " I look forward to your letters, and can not wait to see the Targaryens you grow up to be."

We then turned to the Queen and bowed to her. She nodded at us before turning away. Queen Alicent was still embarrassed about what had happened that night. Then I stood in front of my aunt and uncles, " Don't forget to write to me, my dear niece." Ageon smiled at me, " Maybe you can visit me as well. " " Ageon, that's enough," Alicent scolded him.

I hugged my aunt Healena, telling her I'll miss her before finally turning to my Aemond. " Aemond, there are no words to describe how much I'm going to miss you. Our late talks in our room, our fun together, " I smiled, a tear falling down my cheek. " Don't cry, Aemma, this isn't goodbye. We will have our letters, till I can see you again. " I hugged Aemond in for a hug, " I love you, uncle," I whispered in his ear, giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

Daemon pulled me onto the ship as the rest of our family followed, we waved goodbye until our family were small specks in the distance. " You will not be writing to him," Daemon spoke up as he stood beside me. " I can write to who I wish uncle. He is my friend and shall stay that way. " Daemon opened his mouth to say something, but my mother gave him a look, " You are to do as I say, Aemma. You are not to write one word to that Hightower cunt", " Why should I listen to you?" I asked " You will find out when you are older" he spat and walked away.

Once we arrived at Dragonstone, we were shown our chambers and began to unpack our belongings. Our parents had called a meeting, and all siblings sat down at the large dining table. " As we are large family, I shall be putting down some ground rules," Daemon spoke up. " First of all, what I say goes, no arguing or fighting me on this. I am the father of this house, which means I am in charge. Do I make myself clear? " " Yes, " we all agreed. " Next, you will continue your lessons as normal, I have hired brilliant knights to help in your training," I sighed as I looked at my brothers.

" The training is for yourself as well, Aemma." " Me?" I asked, confused.  " Ser Harwin was taken from us before he could keep his promise to you, I shall fulfil his promise for him. You will be sword training with your brothers. " Daemon smiled at me. " I don't know what to say, thank you!" I smiled.

The first few days had gone by as we settled in to our new home, then finally began our lessons. " Good morning, my Prince's." The Knight bowed to Jace and Luke, " And good morning to you too princess" He kissed my hand " I shall start off my lesson by admitting, I have never taught a girl before but this will be a new challenge I will glady accept".

Ser Kit of house Arryn had joined started his lessons with the most basic of lessons, how to hold a sword, and how to keep your balance. For months, he drilled this into our heads, more so mine as my brothers were already familiar with this easy step.

I trained with him every morning, sometimes in the evenings after my boring lessons for months until the months had turned into years. The years I had begun to flourish, my womanly body developed, and my bleeding had come, but still I trained as it was one of the only things I wanted to do with my life.

The month of my sixteen name day, my mother and father wished to see my progress. My family sat and watched as I spared with Ser Kit, my black armour protecting my body as I held my sword in one hand and my shield in another. Ser Kit swung at me with his sword, and the match began. We spared for what felt like hours before I was able to break Ser Kit's shield. His sword was lost in the mud as I held my sword to his neck. 

" Excellent Princess." He smiled down at me, " You've become a master with your sword. " " Thank you, Ser Kit. " I smiled as we made our way to my family. " That was quite impressive." Father smiled at me." Thank you, Sir Kit, for being such a wonderful teacher to my daughter. " " Of course, my Prince, I'm always happy to be of help to house Targaryen. " Continue the boys lessons. My wife and I will be taking Aemma for a while." " Of course, my Lord," He bowed before calling Jace and Luke to the field for training.

" Go bathe and meet us in the library, we must discuss something very important" Father smiled " Of course father" I nodded before taking off my armour and making my way to my chambers for a bath.

Once I looked clean and pretty, I  made my way to the library, my gold dress hugging my figure nicely as my long white hair blew in the wind. I smiled as I walked into the room. My parents looked nervous as they shut the door behind me and sat me down on the couch. " Is everything alright?" I asked in a panic, fearing what bad news they had to share with me.

" Everything is fine," Mother reassured me, " There is something we had kept hidden from you. We were afraid of how you would have been treated growing up, but you are old enough now to know the truth." Mother squeezed my hand and turned to Daemon, I turned my head to Daemon as he let out a breath. " Aemma, Laenor Velaryon was not your father." " Excuse me?" I asked in disbelief." He is not your birth father. " " I'm a bastard?" I asked in a panic, " If Laenor was not my father, then who is?". " I am." Daemon gave me a small smile.

" What?" My eyes widened, I couldn't believe it." " When Jace was a baby, there was a ball. We both had drank a lot of wine, and we ended up spending the night together, " Daemon explained. " I-i can't believe it." " It's true, my sweet girl." Mother brushed my hair with her fingers. " I'm so sorry I waited this long to tell you, I just wanted you to be ready." " Why are you telling me this now?" I asked, clearly upset.

" You are almost sixteen, I have waited sixteen years to finally have you as my daughter. My biological daughter, do you know how much I hated seeing that sea snake raise you and call you his? " Daemon hissed. " The day of Laena's funeral, when he called me his daughter," I mumbled, " Yes, I was grieving my wife and seeing my beautiful daughter there, not knowing she was mine? It hurt me. For years, I put up with it, but I refuse to have you believe you were his." " Does this change my title?" I asked." Since I am a bastard?" " No, my sweet girl, you are a Princess".  

" But when the news is spoken, will my title not he stripped from me?" " No, we shall not tell the King. He would be furious." " But he is our King." " Who hates me with a passion? No, it would just hurt our relationship further. No one outside of our family here is to know. " " I understand. " I cried, hugging my real father for the first time. " I won't tell a soul".

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