Pretty Male Snow White and the Squirrel that Wasn't a Squirrel

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Cassandra flew over the expansive forest that surrounded Royal Sword Academy. Despite the fact that NRC and RSA were said to share the same land region, the girl turned bird couldn't see anything but forest and sea for miles. As she flew, she also took the chance to admire the castle.

It, like in everything else, seemed to be Night Raven's polar opposite. It was this tall, majestic white thing that looked like it belonged in a fairytale; which technically, it did. Its tall towers were capped with pointed, blue-shingled roofs. It mainstreet was paved in white marble, but had no statues lining it. The castle sat on the edge of both the coast and the forest, giving the residents a beautiful view of each. It was such a contrast to Night Raven, with its haunting, gothic architecture and flying buttresses. A child-like part of her thought it looked quite a bit like an all-male ever after high.

With her sight seeing done, Cassandra got closer to the ground and began looking for a place to land. She found a green quad with a white artesian fountain in the middle within the castle walls, and decided that was good enough for her. Gliding down, she perched on top of the opulent fountain and looked around. By some miracle, the quad was empty. If she had lips, Cassandra would have smiled.

'Perfect.', she thought. After that, she jumped down off the fountain and changed back into a human in mid-air. She landed on her now red sneaker clad feet, and looked around quickly before she zipped up her hoodie and put her hood up, making sure her very recognizable hair was tucked into it. Once she had done that, she began to make her way over to the entrance to the school building, when she heard footsteps coming her way.

Cassandra began to panic. Che'nya said she couldn't be seen, because if a student saw her, they might pull something because of the inter school rivalry, and if a staff member saw her, that was a one-way ticket to Crowley. So, not knowing what to do as the footsteps drew closer, Cassandra frantically looked about for an answer to her problem, and when she didn't get one...

She turned into a squirrel.

Not her finest moment, she would admit, but she had to think fast. Why she didn't turn back into a bird or literally anything else, she had no idea.

Laughter could be heard from the wide stone entrance, and Cassandra tilted her fuzzy head in curiosity as one figure walked through the entranceway, leaving a group of three other people whose shadowy figures she could see behind.

"See ya, Neige!", one of the shadowy figures called out. The boy who was now in the quad, who was apparently named Neige, smiled and waved back at him.

"Goodbye, you all take care now!", he called back, his voice melodic and feminine. Then the boy turned around, and Cassandra was taken aback by his appearance.

He wore a blue and yellow sweater over a white button up and a red bowtie. Over that, he wore the white uniform jacket of Royal Sword Academy, with two large blue bird pins on his left lapel, and a red magic jewel pin framed in an intricate gold frame on his right. His pants were blue dress pants, and his shoes were white sneakers. He was a short boy, but not as short as Riddle. He had short black hair and skin white as snow, and on his head was a black sailor hat with red lining and matching bow patterns on top, with the words 'Someday My Princess Will Come' embroidered on it in red. In contrast, his eyes were a warm chestnut brown, and his lips a pretty pink. His cheeks seemed to have a natural blush to them, which stood out nicely against his pale skin. He was very beautiful in the conventional sense, Cassandra thought as he walked further into the quad.

The boy hummed a carefree tune to himself as he glided over to the wooden bench that was underneath the sole tree, an apple tree, in the courtyard. He sat down on it and pulled out his phone, scrolling and giggling at funny things he saw from time-to-time. Cassandra scampered off to hide behind the other side of the tree and peeked her tiny head out to watch him, contemplating her next course of action.

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