The beginning

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The sunlight started to make its way through the window. The light slowly reached the slumbering girl's face as she squinted. She grunted and covered her eyes with her arm. A few minutes has pass before she was awoken by a loud slam outside her room. "You better get up now!" a harsh haggled voice said. The sounds of footsteps were heavy as the older woman walked away from the doorway. The young girl rolled herself out of bed as her messy dark hair fell into her pale face. She was already dressed in her black tank and shorts. The room was mostly empty since she didn't have much to pack. She looked at the few bags she had stuffed her clothing in the night before and grabbed them before leaving her room. She walked down the narrow hallway to the front door. Going outside to her car as she threw her stuff in the back of her car.

The young lady stood by her car for a moment debating whether or not to speak to that crazed religious nut called her mother. "I can do this," she said to herself. She took a deep breath and went back in to at least try to leave on good terms.

She walked back in the house and looked around. "Mother," she called out to her sweetly. Sounds could be heard the kitchen. She went in to greet the older woman seated at the small table. The woman looked up at her with hate filled eyes. "What do you want?" she snapped. The young girl was taken a back but still wanted to be civil with her. "I-I just wanted to say goodbye on a good note..." she said calmly. The older woman huffed and rolled her eyes as she lit up a cig. "Nothing you can do or say will EVER change the fact that you have embarrassed me in this community! Honestly I am happy you are leaving Marie!" "Wow... Really? Who are you to be very judgmental and been nothing but hateful towards me. Your own child this whole time. I wish to leave to make something of myself unlike you! Also I prefer Leonna" she snapped back. The old hag slammed her hands down as she stood up quickly. The chair she was on now on the floor. "You listen hear little miss devil spawn! The world out there isn't all rainbows and sunshine! There is great evil out there that will tempt you and corrupt you like its doing now! Leonna? really that isn't your god giving name and you know it! Maybe one day you will see the evils in your ways and..." Leonna screamed. "Oh my god! I was only here to say goodbye you crazy nut bag! It's insane on how you are ready to throw in god and the bible at me for any reason! Why can't you just let me be my fucking self and let me live my life for me not you!"

Before her mother could say anything else Leonna turned and stormed out of the house. She heard somethings being said but she didn't care at this point. She was ready to leave this place for good. She got into her car and sped off down the dirt road to put as much distance from her and the town. She briefly looked into the rearview mirror and seen some tears running down her face.

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