The Clowns

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Leonna went over to the tent where she seen the clown but he was no where in sight. He may of gone somewhere else while she wasn't looking. She had a couple hours to enjoy the carnival so she decided to walk around and get some food. She was making her way to the funnel cakes until was bumped into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry!" she said as she looked over. He was dressed in a jester entire. The colors of his outfit was mostly dark with some blue and purple. He was pretty tall as he towered over her. He looked down and gave a creepy smile. "It's ok. No harm done!" he spoke. Something didn't feel right to her. She backed away and went on to the booth to get her food. Looking over he still had his gaze on her, she turned away feeling the hairs on her body standing up. He does look cool but his energy felt... Unnatural!

The sun has set as the crowd started to die down. Leonna and a few others had started to clean up the carnival area of the trash and returned any left behind items found. She was working her area by the tents. As she was working towards the furthest tent some sort of accordion music was playing. "Strange? Aren't all the shows over by this time?" she wondered. She went towards the tent and peaked in. Threes figures where at stage. The Jester from before on a unicycle and the monochrome clown juggling bowling pins. There was another tall man off to the side playing the music from a box. He had a long coat on with fur at the collar and a top hat. She watched them all in amusement as they put on a show. "Aww looks like we have an audience!" one of them examined. "Have a seat deary! We will give you a show you won't ever forget!" the jester said. Leonna hesitated a bit before taking a seat closest to the stage. The music changed into a happier tone as they begin doing flips and tricks while still juggling. Moments after the monochrome clown and the jester started juggling the now on fire bowling pins. The Jester was swinging on a trapeze as the other on the unicycle. They were very talented! She was very amazed.

"Now for the finale! We would need a volunteer!" the monochrome clown said. Leonna's eye's widen. She was the only one here! "You!" the jester pointed at her as the spotlight was now on her. "Come on down don't be shy!" the man with the top hat said. She went down and felt very nervous on what's to happened. They all snickered. The music started playing fast as the clown started to toss the pins to her. She tried her best to juggle them but dropped them as the flames hurt her. "Ow!" she said. "I-I'm sorry I can't do this..." she looked at the jester and he smiled. "Do it again..." he demanded. The pins now appeared in the jester's hands as he juggled. "Just look into my eyes..." he's voice rung in her mind. She looked onto his eyes and felt hypnotized by them. Moments later she realized she was now juggling the fire lit pins like a pro. They all clapped for her. The jester was now behind her to take back over the juggling. "And end!" they said as the music stopped. The lights went out and she was now in complete darkness.

A beam of light came into Leonna's face a minute later. "What are you doing in there? We have clean up to finish!" the old man said. Her eyes readjusted and looked around the now dimly lit tent as she sees that the three men were now gone. She looked back to the man. "Sorry, there were these performers here..." she was cut off. "Nonsense! All the performers left an hour ago!" he yelled. Her eyes widen as a feeling of dread set in.

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