The End is near

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The clock strikes midnight. It was time. The little girl vanished as Leonna got up. It was time for this game to start. She went outside towards the woods. She had her butcher knife hidden in her boot and was ready to fight. She made it into a clearing in the woods and waited for whats to happen. It was dead silent. Not even the sound of the wind could be heard. She stood still and was prepared for the worst.

She felt the earth shake from underneath her feet causing her to almost lose balance. Everything felt so unreal at this point. Like she was in another realm. A unfamiliar voice seemed to echo in her mind. "COLLECT THE 8 PAGES... KEEP RUNNING... I WILL BE WATCHING YOU..." Leonna held her head as it seemed to boom in her head. It's like getting hit with a bat. Her head was still throbbing but she tried her best to remain composed despite feeling dizzy. Leaning against a tree for a moment until she was able to move again, she looked up and seen a page on the tree.

What seemed to be hours has passed by as Leonna leaned against a tree breathing heavily. This was much more harder on her then she hoped for. The woods seemed endless. The pages could be anywhere in this forsaken place! She had only obtained 3 of the 8 pages. This really sucks! Something drew her attention from a far. It was a the tall man standing by one of the trees about 10 feet away from her. Her mind felt fuzzy as her vision was blurring. She had to get away from the area. She got up and stumbled away from the creature until she felt better. This wasn't good at all. She walked at a fast pace until she seen the cabin again. Maybe some of the pages are here she hoped. Making her to the cabin she examined the place thoroughly. She found another page finally! She grabbed it off the wall and felt thunder boomed.

Being inside the cabin she searched all of the rooms to see if another page was there. She entered the kitchen and seen there was another page on the fridge. "Yes! Five page! Three more to go!" she happily thought. She left the cabin seeing that there was anything else there. A familiar figure was standing outside. He seemed to be waiting for her as he smiled sinisterly. "Hello again piggy..." the boy said gruffly. Leonna's heart dropped as she saw him. It was Jeff the killer.

Looking upon the boy she couldn't help but seen he looked slightly beaten up. A black eye, some bruises on his face and neck, and some scratches. Did that thing do this to him because he helped me? She felt bad. "Did that thing hurt you?" she asked him. Jeff smiled dropped. "I am sorry... I truly am. You risked yourself to help me. If anything I want you to know I am grateful for it..." she said to him. "Shut up bitch! That was just a one time thing! I am here to kill. Remember?" he barked. She did but hoped he didn't. She also hoped to never of meet again but alas here they were again. "I'll be somewhat of a nice guy and give you 10 seconds! 1! 2!" he started counting. Her eyes widened as she started to run. "Shit!" she thought as she tripped slightly but she quickly regain her footing. She ran as fast as her legs could take her.

"7, 8, 9, 10! Ready or not! HERE I COME!" Jeff said gleefully. He turned and started fast into the wood. He could hear her ahead of him as he was gaining up on her fast. "This is way too EASY!" he said while he jumped at her. Her screamed echoed the woods as he tackled her down. He had his arm raised to plunge his knife into her but he froze. He felt a sharp pain in his abdominal area. Looking down there was a knife in him. "W-what?" he stumbled back slightly. Leonna pulled the knife out of him as he let out a grunt. "Fuck..." he muttered as he held his wound. She got up and stepped away from him. "Consider that payback from the motel!" she said breathlessly. "Heh, you are one of a kind, but this isn't going to stop me from slaying you!" he said. He got up and came at her again. She bolted.

After a while Leonna was able to shake Jeff off her trail. She panted as the sweat was all over her at this point. She looked down at her feet and seen another page hidden within the dirt. She brushed off the dirt and picked up the page. Page number 6. Just 2 more to find. She went down a path and followed it down to what looked like a park. A small playground came to view. She went towards it. Standing up by the top of the slide was Sally. She looked down at Leonna and smiled sweetly. The little girl went down the slide and now stood in front of her. She held a page up to Leonna. "Huh? Why are you helping me?" Leonna asked. Sally pressed her little fingers to her lips shushing her. "Because you were nice to me..." she said. Leonna took the page from the girl and she disappeared. Seven pages now at hand. She just needs to find the last one and fast.

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