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Awaiting the tow truck to come. Leonna looked through her phone, which Jeff had found and eventually gave it back to her with some hassle. She was deleting many gross photos that he had taken of himself. "What a disgusting asswipe!" she sneered. Wherever Jeff was now he must be getting a sick kick of out this. The tow trunk finally arrived just as she finished removing all photos.

The truck pulled into the nearest auto place in town. Leonna waited to see what they could go with the wheels of her car. She was hoping to get something temporary until she's able to get a replacement. As they were looking and figuring out the damage the man came over to her with the bad news. She looked horrified. "B-but... I don't have that much money!" she exclaimed. He just shrugged. She looked down feeling defeated. She was so close to being in California she didn't want to give up. "Hey if this would help. I do have an uncle in need of help with an upcoming carnival. I could give him a call right now and you could work for a week or two to get the bill covered!" She agreed to it and made the arrangements with them to get applied and have a place to sleep for the night. It's another setback but she's willing to bounce back from it.

It was 5 in the morning when Leonna got up. She realized she was already running late as she quickly threw on some pants and a tee-shirt. She was walking fast out of her room as she put up her hair into a ponytail. Running out of the house and down the road she met up with the group of people to help set up. "Sorry I'm late! I promise I won't be next time!" The man looked a little upset but just gave her instructions on what needs done. She nodded and went to work right away. A couple of hours had passed as she was in her focus into setting up the stands. A woman tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention. Leonna was startled but relaxed as it was one of the town's people. She was handled a sandwich and a water bottle as she was told it was break time. She thanked the women and went to find a place to sit as she took a bite of the sandwich.

After most of the day had passed the set-up of the carnival was finished. Leonna went back to her room and collapsed due to exhaustion. Her body had never handled this much hard labor before and was already aching. Maybe she could soak in a tub for a while to ease herself. She went to the bathroom and started herself a bath. It was very hot! She got in slowly trying to adapt to the temperature. She was fully in and was enjoying the bath. As she laid there sleep was slowly taking over. She drifted off to slumber.

Leonna found herself in complete darkness. Everything was a void of life and light no matter where she looked to. She started to walk but felt like she was only walking in place. Strange whispers were heard. Nothing she could make out of. "Hello...? she called out nervously. A snickering laugh was heard. This made her blood turned cold. "Come find me..." it hissed echoed. "...But what are you...?" she asked. "The book holds all of your desires... My child..." it responded. "The book...?" she questioned. It didn't respond. "What about the book? If it's the same book we're speaking of..." she got interrupted by its laughter. "When you are ready... I am always watching..." She felt a jolt which awaken her. She was in the bathtub feeling chilled. How long has she been in there? She wondered to herself for a moment before getting out. She needed to sleep for the next day.

A few days had passed without any incidents. Leonna was working in one of the food stands. She was given orders and made them quickly and gave them to the customers. Everything was feeling normal. It was just about time for someone to come and cover for her break when she seen a figure standing away from a distance. By a tent there stood a tall monochrome clown. It seemed to stand right back at her. Its smile grew abnormally wide as it waved.

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