The deal with a devil

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Leonna was running around aimlessly. The woods seemed to go on and on as the night seemed never ending. She looked around her and was getting very tired. "Where in the fucking hell is that last page?!" she said out loud. She kept walking and noticed a tree in a clearing. It looked different from the other trees. It was wider and darker in its color. It had some branches that hung low almost touch the ground. She felt her mind going fuzzy again. Looking behind her there stood Slenderman. 

She ran towards the tree and looked up. There was the page! "Seriously? It's way up there!" she said angrily. She peaked back and Slenderman still stood there as tentacles were sprouting from his back. "Dammit! I got to go for it!" she thought. She springs into action. She jumped onto a branch and climbed up as she as she could. In moments she was reaching up for the page. As she was reaching for it, she felt the branch she stood on started to crack. Thinking fast she jumped and grabbed the page as she now is falling about 10 feet down. "Well, this is it... I'm going to die here..." she thought. Her eyes shut tight as she felt her body hit a few branches. The pain was intense. Then everything went black afterwards. 

Jeff walked up to Leonna's limp body. He looked up at the tree to see the broken branches and back down to the girl. "Heh, looks like you managed to get all the pages... But at what cost?" he said in slight amusement. He knelt down to check her. Yup she's as good as dead. No one would have survived a fall like that. A sigh of dissatisfaction came from Jeff as he got up and walked off. A look of disappointment was on his face. He was secretly rooting for her to live through this. He really wanted to toy with her some more, but the chance was now gone. The game was over. There's nothing left. 

Leonna slowly regained some consciousness. Her body was broken. It hurt to even breathe. She couldn't even move much. She was getting weak. Her vision was fading. "I'm so sorry..." She looked up to see the sad look of her father. She was dying. He vanished from her sight as she faded out of consciousness. The words of her father rung in her mind. "The bloodlines ends with you..." It was harsh but true. It was her fault. 

An inhuman shadowy figure walked toward the girl's body. It threw the leather book down as the wind blew the pages to a certain part of the book. It spoke the incantations and the book seemed to glow. It snickered and went into her mind. 

"You really surprised me little human..." it said in a hiss. Leonna looked up and seen a creature stood in front of her." I have been watching you this whole time. You never cease to amaze me!" it added. It looked horrifying! It was dark all around. It had many glowing red eyes on her as it stood very tall. That thing was HUGE! It must be a demon! "What do you want?" she asked trying to sound brave. But her voice failed her as it cracked in fear. It laughed. "I want to make you a deal my dear.  She looked up at the demon. "I'm listening..." she said softly. "You are dying so make this decision quick! I will grant you power... Power of immortality and more... If you give up your humanity!" he spoke. She thought on this in silence. She felt everything was getting darker by the second. The demon extended its boney hand towards her and demanded her answer now. She got up and reached her hand towards it's. A blinding light flashed suddenly then faded to black again. 

Creeps in the woodsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara