Into the woods

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The sun was rising as Leonna kept on driving. She refused to make any more stops until she gets to California. She had finally made her way to Arizona. "Just one more state away!" she thought happily. She was traveling along the road that was surrounded by many tall trees. It would of been a sight to see for her if it wasn't for all the crazy shit she's been through. "Heh, I would love to explore but knowing my luck fucking Big foot would pop out and eat me..." she thought sarcastically. She lit a cigarette and smoked to calm her nerves. Five minutes had pass as she heard a loud pop and a thud. The car felt uneven as one of her tires popped. She cursed and pulled over the side of the road. She just sat there with her face down and griping the wheel tightly. Her knuckles turned white as she gritted her teeth in fury. "You. Have. Got. To. Be. FUCKING KIDDING MEEEEE!" she shrieked and shake the car violently. She punched the dashboard a few times causing her fist to bleed. After throwing a rage fit she recomposed herself. She went out to check out what happened to see that both of her front tires were completely shredded. "What the fuck?" She stopped as she heard some rustling in the trees. She looked around her surroundings like a hawk.

Everything in the woods was very quiet. Not a chirp of a bird or a sound of the wind. It was deafening. Leonna was on guard as she felt she is being watched. She went around her car and took a moment to examine the car. Under neigh was a chain with sharp metal mended to it. She carefully picked it up and looked around at the trees. They all seem to be still aside for one. A tall dark figure was slowly moving through the trees from a distance. Her heart stopped at the sight. She suddenly felt sick. Falling to her knees she went into a coughing and gagging fit. "I-I got to get out of here... NOW" she told herself. She got up as her knees were trembling. Her hands were bleeding from the jagged chain when she collapsed. She torn off the short sleeves off her top and wrapped her hands up. It was time to move.

Running the opposite direction from where she saw the tall thing. Leonna continued gliding fast through the trees, occasionally getting smacked by some of the lower branches. She seen a log cabin coming into view and went towards it. Maybe someone could help or have a phone to use. She stopped at the door panting as she banged on the door. She waited as she tried her best to catch her breath. No one answered. Placing her free hand on the knob she opened the door and peaked in. It was dark. No one is here. Walking in she examined the place trying to locate the light switch. There doesn't seem to be any but there's a lantern. She turned on lantern see the this cabin has been vacate for some time as some of the dust could be seen on the furniture. Walking passed the living room there was a small kitchen. It has everything a normal kitchen would have. Looking on the wall was one of those old corded phones. A smile appeared on her face as she went to use it. Her smile soon vanished. It was dead. "Damn it all." she slammed it down. She checked for her phone but it was no longer in her pocket. "Yup... I'm screwed..."

It was getting dark out there. Leonna decide to dust some things off quickly as it was the only thing she could do in the moment. She figured she will look for help in the morning but as for now she wants to see if there's anything she could use in the dwelling. Starting in the living room. There's really not much other then old books and magazines, some taky decorations, and old furniture. She started looking through the kitchen. Nothing more then old pots, pans, some silverware, canned foods, and a knife. Her eyes laid on the knife for a moment before she took it. Just in case. She went into the bedroom. It was a mess and the mattress didn't look one bit safe to lay on. She just made her the windows here lock before leaving the room and shutting the door. Next was the bathroom. She went through the drawers and cabinet to find a first aid kit. "Bingo!" she said as she opened the box to tend to her wounds.

It was getting late. Leonna was starting to feel sleep creeping in. She needed to do one more thing before calling it a night. She recalled seeing a box of junk in the closet. As she retrieved the box she pulled out some traps she could possibly use to protect her. She went out with her light and carefully placed them out. She went back in and made sure all the windows were secured and the door locked. After all is done she laid on the dirty couch and slowly slept.

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