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Reports on a missing girl hit the news. Police had questioned the citizens of a small town in Arizona. Everything the girl owned was left in the room she stayed in. Her car was left abandoned in the auto shop. The trunk driver being held in suspicion on account of being the last one to see her. He was soon released due to many dead ends of the case. A search was done in the woods for many weeks, and all was found was a puddle of blood by a tree in a clearing. Nothing was coming up on the where abouts of Marie Ann Taylor. She just seemed to vanish without a trace. 

Two years had passed since the case turned cold. Everything went back to normal as if nothing had happened. People seemed to be going about their lives and it was now summer break when a family went camping in the woods. A family of four, a father, a mother, and two siblings. The oldest one a girl and the youngest one a boy. They seemed to be a loving family. A few days into the camping trip the young boy had strayed away from his family. Nightfall came fast as the boy wondered the woods lost and alone. He was scared and started to cry. A monochrome clown appeared before him. He held his long-clawed hands out to the child. Pretending to be friendly as he could be. He comforted the boy and led him deeper in the woods. The clown turned to offer him colorful wrapped candy. Unknowing to the young boy they were poisoned. 

A small slim figure of a girl appeared by the tree. She was watching the situation unfold. She felt she needed to stop this but how? She looked over at the distance hearing the calls of the boy's name. They were close but heading the wrong way! She used her ability to draw their attention toward this direction. She soon vanished when they were getting close. The monochrome clown heard someone coming as he frowned. He didn't expect them even find the kid at all. He pulled his offering away from the boy and vanished as soon as the parents ran to the area were the boy stood. The boy snapped out of his trance and ran to his mother holding her tightly as they both were in tears. 

Leonna stood watching this touching scene. Her heart ached as she never had that relationship with her mother. A tear rolled down her cheek. She was happy for them. They went back to their camping spot. A voice came from behind her. It was Laughing Jack, and he wasn't happy. "I knew you would have had something to do with this!" he hissed angrily. She turned to face the clown and acted as innocent as she possibly could. "Whatever do you mean? They found the kid, right? You're definitely losing your touch LJ! Just get over it ok?" She said with a wink. Laughing Jack was getting flustered by her. His face was slightly red but wasn't sure if by anger or something else. "You really should stop using your charms little girl! Also, you need to stop interfering with what we do!" he said before disappearing. She sighed and went toward the cabin. 

She sat alone in the dark as she read through her journal. Reviewing everything that was written she sat and pondered. She did come from a very old and long line of spellcasters from her father's side. Sadly, the bloodline ended with her since she did technically die. She is now one of the monsters, but she just couldn't adjust to the change. Her body was different in a way. Her hair was longer with a tint of blue. She was immortal. Whenever she pissed of some of the others, she has been stabbed, snapped in half, and had her limbs removed only for her to be ok again. Powers of regeneration but still it hurt like hell. Recalling the fact that she did make a deal with the demon. She hasn't been able to cope on losing her humanity. She wanted to feel and be human again, but there's no turning back. The demon. Who or what was it and what part did it have in the picture? What are its ties with her father and the pastas? There was something missing and she was eager to found out. 

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